Wonderful 1/2

0ne(two)derful 1/2s

Term 2 Week 9 2024 -  Friday 13th June



What have we been up to? 

We hope everyone has come in refreshed after a lovely 4 days off! 


The students have had an awesome two weeks. All the students got to take part in an animal incursion that taught them all about the life cycles of animals, such as Salt Water Crocodiles, Pygmy Possums, Australian Green Tree Frogs and many more animals! All of the students were able to hold at least one of the animals! 


The 1/2 students have begun writing an information text about one of the animals that they learned about during the incursion. Students drew their own pictures for their reports and wrote facts about where their animal lives, what their animal eats and recorded any other interesting facts. 


This week has been a busy testing period for the grade 1/2 students as the teachers are collecting all of their results for report writing, this has involved some work on Essential Assessment and Reading testing. 


The new 1/2D class started this week, with 1/2D doing some fun ‘get to know you’ activities and getting familiar with our new space. Parents are more than welcome to come pop their head in, if they wish to have a look at 1/2 D's new classroom! 


There are only two weeks left of the semester, we hope everyone is looking after themselves! 


Here are some photo highlights from the fortnight that was! 

The 1/2s had Australian Animals come to school to learn about Life Cycles!




What is coming up?


For the next two weeks students will be reading informational text about different topics and writing their own informational text. 



For writing, students will continue to have a focus on sentence structure and handwriting using the Write 2 Learn program. We will be continuing to focus on sentence expansion using a variety of conjunctions to create different compound sentences. 



For Maths we are continuing with multiplication and looking at division in our groups.  



Students will continue to learn about life cycles of animals and plants. 


Important reminders:


  • Please don’t forget to bring back your Home Readers each Friday. This is very important. Students need to be returning these books so that they can borrow new ones for home reading practice. 


  • If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child's classroom teacher through Compass or via the school email and it will be passed on to them.


  • Specialist Days 
  • Monday - AUSLAN, Art/Cultural Studies, PE & Music

Wednesday- Art/Cultural Studies & Health (with classroom teacher)