Fabulous Foundation 

Fabulous Foundation

Term 2 Week 7- 31st  May, 2024 


Myuna Farm

We are so excited for our farm excursion on Monday the 17th. 

Please make sure to bring your rain jackets and gumboots in case of wet weather.

Please bring a drink bottle, fruit, recess and lunch in a disposable bag.

We encourage the preps to bring a change of clothes and shoes (if possible) in their school bags which will be stored safely at Myuna Farm.

We kindly ask that no toys are brought on the day.



What we are learning!



This week, the preps have been learning addition and sharing. We have been practising how to share a group of objects between a certain amount. We have been using hands on manipulatives like counters, play dough and MAB blocks to help us understand how sharing works. We have also been using a lot of hands on manipulatives to help us understand addition. We have discussed what addition means and how we can also use words like all together and plus.



Little Learners love literacy:


Preps are continuing their streamed phonics groups across the P-2 cohort. Four mornings per week, students move to their LLLL group when they receive targeted learning. The Preps are enjoying this and the Prep team has been receiving positive feedback from all groups Preps are in. It has been wonderful to see the growth in confidence and understanding within all students this semester!



In Literacy, we are continuing our recounts and getting prepared for our farm trip! We have learnt that in recounts, we often have pictures with labels. We have been labelling different animals that we might see at the farm, like a chicken and a cow. We have also been writing sentences about what we may see at the farm! When we write sentences, we sound out each word using our sound arms. This helps us to hear each sound and write it down!


Leader In me:


This week we have been focusing on Habit 1: Be proactive. We are practising how to be in charge of our own bodies and ensuring that we are making friendly, kind and proactive choices.





Our topic this term is people and places in our community. We have been learning about the different people that help us grow within our community. So far we have learnt about teachers, crossing supervisors, paramedics, shopkeepers and SES volunteers. We are creating a community wall in our classroom with awesome artwork that represents each of the community members that we have been learning about. 


Specialist timetable:

Monday: Music and Art

Wednesday: Auslan

Thursday: Culture and PE 

Friday: Assembly 




We are now sending home weekly readers according to your child’s assessed reading level. We encourage you to listen to your child’s reader nightly and ask questions such as Who, What, When, and How about the book at the end to strengthen their comprehension skills.

We check the reading diaries weekly. 


Important reminders:

- No Hats are required for outside play in Term 2 & 3.


  • Please ensure that every item of clothing, including lunch boxes are clearly labelled.
  • The T-shirt you all received at information night “I'm a leader in Prep at LePage are welcome to be worn by the Preps as part of their daily uniform. 
  • Please remember to ensure your child’s blue satchel is in their bag each day as we begin to put important forms and reminders in them.
  • Please ensure that your child has a substantial lunch such as a sandwich/roll/wrap or thermos for example for lunch along with a snack (cracker/yoghurt) and fruit or vegetables.
  • Please make sure your child has a spare change of clothes in the bags, just in case.