Art / Cultural / Music / PE & Health / Library / Auslan

Specialist News 



Over the past two weeks all students across the school have continued to explore a number of different dance genres through our wonderful ESS / professional dance teacher Claudia Jenkinson.

Students have been introduced into a wide variety of dance styles which have included Bollywood, Contemporary, Latin, Hip Hop, Tap and more.

Students have been able to explore these different dance styles, but also develop a good understanding of their bodies and how to move them in a coordinated approach. They have also been required to work with their class to move without bumping into each other and coordinating a group routine.

It has been pleasing to see everyone have a great time and try their best to develop the different skills.

I am very thankful to Claudia for all her planning and preparation to develop a comprehensive and fun dance program for the whole school.



Interschool Sports

This term students in 5/6 have participated in three sports each Friday against other local schools.

The sports have been softball, soccer and netball. It has been pleasing to see everyone giving their best, but more importantly working together to try and achieve team success.

The sportsmanship and support for each other and the other schools has been very pleasing to see.

Well done to everyone.

As this newsletter comes out, students will be participating in a lightning premiership, which will see all teams play a round robin against a number of schools. We hope they all have a great day and work together as a team.



Girls Soccer Gala Day

Last week for the first time, Le Page entered a girls soccer team in the Girls Soccer Gala day. There were 10 schools involved in a round robin day. We had 11 year 5 and 6 girls play, and many playing soccer for the first time in a competition. We were close to winning a couple of games, but ended up with 3 tied games and 2 losses.

It was a great day and the girls did an amazing job and their efforts were amazing.

Well done to all the girls for having a go and supporting each other. Also thanks to Mrs Baker for being our motivating and inspiring coach.

Well done everyone.




Jarrod Bradley

PE/Sports Coordinator







Culture Studies

In culture studies this week, all students looked at the Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and the Australian flags. They learnt or were reminded on what all the colours represent on each flag. They then were able to make their own mini 3 flag stand.













Visual Arts

Last week in Visual Arts, Foundation students were inspired by the ‘Dairy of a Wombat’ book, where they were able to practise their cutting skills to create a wombat collage. Year 1/2 students started to work on the African animal theme, where they made foldable 3D paper animals. Students were able to choose an animal, they then chose what materials to use to colour their animal: oil pastels, crayons or colour pencils. Students cut out their animal and followed instructions on how to fold their animal to create a 3D animal shape. It was so lovely to see the 1/2 students enjoy making their animals, some played with their animals at lunch time and recess. Year 3/4 students continued to work on their Bunjil Zentangle Artwork piece from Reconciliation week. They also had the opportunity to complete their rainforest collage. Year 5/6 students were able to finish their animal cardboard portraits. They also completed their landscape collages from Reconciliation week. 



















Auslan in Foundation


We have been focusing on learning signs for farm animals in foundation in preparation for the students upcoming excursion. We have been learning not only the signs for different animals but also words to describe them, such as fast, slow, furry, smooth and rough. Students have been combining these signs together with colours learnt earlier in term to sign simple sentences. We have been playing farm animal bingo and ‘Which animal is it?’ guessing games to practice our signs and the students have been having a lot of fun. I can’t wait for them to share about their excursion in next week’s lesson. 

Years 1 to 6

Students across years one to six have been learning signs for medical emergencies. They have been using constructed action (mime) to act out medical emergencies in small groups to perform for their peers. One student played the role of Auslan Interpreter who signed alongside the performance to describe what was happening in each scene. There were a lot of spectacular pretend falls, crashes and broken bones which required a call to the doctor, nurse or even a trip in an ambulance to hospital. Students are really progressing in their signing to construct simple sentences and start to retell events. 

New You Tube series launch from Auslan Education Services

Auslan Education Service, the team behind our weekly videos and program, have launched an exciting new YouTube channel called Auslan Time with Geo. The short videos will cover a range of Auslan signs and topics as well as include some interviews with special guests. It’s a great additional resource not only for schools but also any student or family who wants to learn some more about the Auslan community, culture, and language at home. Head over to Auslan Time with Geo on YouTube to watch his first videos!


If you would like to contact me about the Auslan program then I am available on email at or available at school Monday through to Thursday.



The semester is coming to an end, and we have achieved so much in the library. Over 3100 books have been borrowed this year so far; and we now have more than 5600 books, puzzles or other resources available to be borrowed. 

Our biggest fair yet made more than $5000 in sale. 

Before the end of term, we will run another library leaders raffle; publish the first pieces written by our own students; and get our International Shelf started. 


There are lots of great things happening in the second half of the year as well. Book Week is coming up in August; we will be running another Scholastic Book Fair in November; the Fishy Writing Competition will go ahead again; and we will add even more books to our shelves! 


Thank you to everyone who has supported the library so far. Have a great weekend, and keep on reading! 
