Amazing 5/6

What have we been up to?

As we come to the end of Term 2, we have had lots of challenging and positive days, filled with assessments, sports and extra-curricular activities. We have also all been fighting illnesses and the bugs that are floating around. 

We would like to invite every parent to our ‘Night of the Notables’ presentation on Thursday afternoon, from 3 - 5pm. The students are incredibly keen to show off the hard work they have done on the scientist or inventor of their choice. We request that children stay back to 5 for their presentations, but if they must be taken earlier, for appointments or such, that is fine.

Firstly we would like to give a huge shout-out to all the ⅚ students for the hard work they are putting into their testing, projects and presentations. They should be proud of the work that they are creating and it has been pleasing to see the growth across the cohort. Reports come out at the end of next week, on Compass, and parent teacher interviews are happening the week after. Check Compass if you haven’t booked a meeting time yet.

Secondly, the winter sports activities culminate today with the Lightning Premiership. The teams have been playing and training hard all term and they should again be proud of their efforts. We have placed a huge emphasis on teamwork and sportsmanship and it has been pleasing watching students try to rise to the challenge and be the best version of themselves when they are competing.

Finally we have watched all the kids flourish in the variety of activities going on around the ⅚ cohort at the moment. They are all spectacular buddies to their younger peers, They have all embraced different leadership roles around the school and they have represented the school proudly when they have been out and about. 

Here's hoping we keep this positive momentum rolling into term 3! 


Looking forward in our learning:

Morpheme Magic:

This term our spelling program is focusing on the entomology of words, particularly how a base word can be grown using prefixes and suffixes and how building these words helps with the complexity of our sentences and the maturity of our synonym choices. Our focus for the two past weeks was understanding how suffixes change the tense of works. The next 2 weeks is focusing on suffixes -or, -ion, -tion.



In Literacy we are finishing our final writing task for biographies! Over the next two weeks we will be presenting all that we have learnt in our Night of the Notables presentation, next Thursday.


In the following two weeks students will be moving into division, while continuing to build their multiplication skills.


Teacher Contact Information

If there are any queries please feel free to contact one of us:

Nick Duckett

Maddie Simos

Sam Boontjes

Gemma Baker