Dates to Remember




Week 7

Wed 12th June                 Sydney East Cross Country (school representatives only)


Week 8

Tues 18th June                SPAF Choir rehearsal day at Peakhurst South Public School

Wed 19th June                K-6 Athletics Carnival at 'The Ridge', Barden Ridge. 


Week 9

Wed 26th June              School photo day


Week 10

Wed 3rd July                 Kindergarten Ranger Jamie excursion

Thurs 4th July               Years 3-6 Dragons 'The best you can be' program

Fri 5th July                     Last day of Term 2


Week 1

Mon 22nd July               School Development Day (staff only)

Tues 23rd July                Students return to school


Week 2

Tues 30th July              SPAF Choir rehearsal day at Peakhurst South Public School


Week 3

Public Education Week - 'Proud to Belong'


Week 4

Mon 12th Aug            Visiting Aborignal performance - Dion Drummond


Week 5

Book Week - 'Reading is Magic!'


Week 8 

Fri 13th Sept            P & C Disco @ PPS in school hall


Week 9

All week - Swim Scheme


Week 10

All week - Swim Scheme

Fri 27th Sept           Last day of Term 3



Week 1

Mon 14th Oct             Students return to school 


Week 2

Mon 21 - Wed 23 Oct    Stage 3 Camp


Week 3

Wed 30th Oct           Stage  1 (Years 1 & 2) Schoolhouse Museum


Week 5

Mon 11th Nov        Combined Schools Concert (Junior and Senior Dance groups)


Week 7

Tues 26 Nov            10.30am End of year Scripture Assembly

                                    11.30am Volunteers 'Thank You' morning tea


Week 8

Wed 4th Dec          K-6 Presentation Day


Week 9

Wed 11th Dec       Year 6 Farewell


Week 10

Wed 18th Dec        Students final day of the year.