Principal's message

Student Leader Lunch

I was privileged this week to have lunch with our school leaders to discuss 'What's On Top' for our students. Our conversation moved through suggestions for school improvement in the physical environment and resources for students during play breaks, the opportunity to organise a handball tournament, the development of a student led newspaper club and fundraiser days.


I have committed to consulting with the executive team on the school leaders proposal for our playground designated areas and supporting their handball tournament in Term 3.


Kindergarten and Year 1 Class Restructure

Thank you to our community, students and staff for your understanding and cooperation in transitioning into our new structure for semester 2. Our students moved into their new classes and classrooms this afternoon and have left school with a smile.



KS - Mrs Salerno

KP - Mrs Lempriere (Monday, Tuesday & Friday) and Mrs Schafer (Wednesday & Thursday)

KM - Mrs Maclachlan (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday) and Mrs Kikilas (Friday)


Year 1

1L - Mr Lawson

1K - Mrs Krivacic

1G - Mrs Valentin (Monday & Tuesday) and Mrs Ganiatsos (Wednesday, Thursday & Friday)


New Canteen Tender

Commencing Term 3 will be a new canteen provider, KT's Healthy Bites. The tender panel were impressed with the menu options and the supportive references provided.


A reminder to families to families to register with My School Connect in preparation for online ordering.


School Administrative Manager

We recently ran a Merit Selection Panel to permanently fill the School Administrative Manager (SAM) position. Mrs Minas has been acting in this role while awaiting the approval to advertise. Unfortunately the panel was unable to appoint a suitable candidate, and will be running the panel again at a later date.


Student Behaviour Strategy

As a school we are currently reviewing our Student Behaviour Strategy including our processes aligned to positive behaviour and responding to inappropriate behaviour. To ensure all stakeholders have a voice in this review process, I am seeking the support of the community to complete a short survey to build an understanding of what we are doing well and where we could improve from the community perspective.


The expectation is to ensure the school has a School Behaviour Support and Management Plan aligned to the Department of Education Student Behaviour Policy. This plan will be uploaded to our school website and ready for implementation at the commencement of 2025.


Community members can access the online survey through this link: Community Feedback Survey The survey window will close on Thursday 18th July.


I wish everyone a happy and healthy break during the school holiday period. 


Staff will return for professional learning on Monday 22nd July, with students commencing their first day on Tuesday 23rd July.


Mrs Bentley
