HT Helfpul Information
Emergency Contact Details - SIMON / PAM
Below are the steps to follow which updating Emergency Contact details via the SIMON Everywhere APP.
- Access the SIMON Everywhere App on your device
- Select the `HOME’ icon
- Select a child (if you have more than one child)
- Under the profile menu, select the `Medical Profile’ drop down option
- Select `Edit Details’
- Under `Medical Contacts’ select `add contact’
- Under `Contact Type’ select `Emergency’
- Add the contact details of all Emergency Contacts (other than parents)
- Please update any other relevant medical details at any time
These emergency contact details (other than parents) are extremely important as they will be used in the event that we cannot get in contact with a parent.
If you need to update additional details such as home address, email address or phone number, please provide this information via the following link. This information will be updated by our school admin staff. This form is available in PAM. SIMON / PAM update details.
Catholic Secondary School Enrolments - Yr 5 students in 2024 starting Yr 7 in 2026
Applications for students starting in 2026 are now open. Parents of students currently wishing to apply to secondary catholic schools with a view to their child commencing Year 7 in 2026 are required to submit their application to the school of their choice by Friday 16th August, 2024
School Uniform Supplier
Final uniform deliveries to schools will be next week, week commencing 11/12/23.
Deliveries to school will resume when the school office reopens in 2024.
Classroom Cuisine
Classroom Cuisine lunch orders are available for students on Wednesdays for the remainder of the term. Please place orders no later than 8.30 am on a Wednesday.
Orders close strictly at 3pm on Thursdays
This Term Subway orders will close at 3pm the Thursday before delivery day.
Subway have communicated this information to all parents using the App.