Cross Country

John Wink 

CSPS Cross Country

Congratulations to everyone that participated so enthusiastically. Thank you to our wonderful staff for ensuring the day ran so smoothly. 





The winning house (drum roll please) was the.... 

Mauboy Wareenys!


Thank you once again to 100 plus marathoner Roger Weinstein (Grandpa of former students Sophie & Harry Basist) for being our guest starter.


“For me I enjoyed the cross country. Once I finished, I enjoyed cheering and supporting the girls that were still running. I came 2nd, last year I came 5th. At district last year I came 44th so I’m hoping to come in the top 20.” Chika (Year 6)


“Before the cross country I didn’t really want to do it but my friends encouraged me. At one point I felt like stopping but I continued running and I came in the top 15. I was glad I did it!” Shiraz E (Year 6)


“My last cross country at Caulfield South was memorable as I knew the course well from previous years. I have improved each year and this year I nearly made it to district. My house came 2nd”. Cooper S (Year 6)


“The cross country was fun. I really enjoyed it. This was my first one at the park. I didn’t stop once, and I came 13th.” Zoe W (Year 3)


“Yeah, I had fun. I had a good amount of exercise. I ran all the way, and I was proud of myself. My house were the winners!” Archie B (Year 3)


“It was fun. You got to do either 3 or 4 laps at Princes Park. I enjoyed running my 3 laps. Sometimes I ran and sometimes I jogged. I came 3rd and am looking forward to going to the district cross country.” Mia R (Year 3)


Mini Cross Country

On the same day as our senior students completed their cross country our Prep – Year 2 students participated in our ‘Mini Cross Country’. Word on the street (well, during PE classes) indicated that some students did lots and lots and lots of laps of our school oval during the allocated time. Congratulations to all students for trying your best and thank you to the Prep – Year 2 teachers for making it happen!



“I liked the mini cross country. I could almost do 100 laps but I didn’t have enough time. I could if I had more time.” Arlo (Prep C)


“I wanted to do ten laps but I did 6. I had fun!” Ollie (Prep D)



“It was tiring doing the laps. It was so fun doing the cross country.” Lottie (1C)


“Everyone was so excited about the cross country. Everyone liked it! Some people did more than 10 laps, some people did more than 8 laps. I did 8.” Jasper (1C)


It was very fun when we were doing it. Some people got tired and had a little rest and then raced back to the start, everybody liked it a lot. It was super fun!” Max (1D)



District Cross Country

Forty - three CSPS students participated in the District Cross Country at Caulfield Park last Friday. In perfect running conditions students ran either a 2 or 3 kilometre course depending upon their age group. All students are to be congratulated on their efforts in completing the course and getting up and down those infamous Caulfield Park hills. Caulfield South placed 4th overall out of 9 schools.


Notable Results – Jarrod B 2nd, Yuval B 4th, Arabella F 8th, Joshua G 6th, Lior O 9th, Leni S 5th, Charlotte S 9th, Niah V 7th.

These students will now compete at the Division Cross Country on Thursday May 23 at Karkarook Park. 


“It was a fun competitive day, and the atmosphere was amazing. It was loud! Everyone cheered one another on.” Josh G (Year 4)


“Everyone had a great time racing and competing against other schools. It was a big atmosphere and a big crowd representing Caulfield South. I did my best!” Noah J (Year 4)


“It was a fun day. I had fun competing. I came 2nd and it was fun cheering everyone on.” Jarrod B (Year 6)


“Today was fun at district. I loved seeing all my friends and everyone around me cheering everyone on. Even though I didn’t make division I had a great day. I’m proud of those kids that made it to division, and I hope everyone had fun.” Joel G (Year 4)


Prep – Year 2 Swimming

Thank you to our Prep – Year 2 staff, aides and parents who assisted in getting our students to and from the venue.


“We did backstroke and bubble, bubble breathing. I liked doing torpedoes and butterfly. That is all I remember. I enjoyed the swimming lessons.” Edie (2A)


“We did butterfly kicks and some bubble bubble breathing. I liked backstroke the best. It was really fun but the water was a bit cold.” Mimi (2A)


“It was lots of fun. I learnt dolphin and butterfly and I loved doing backstroke. I also liked doing torpedoes and frog kicks.” Indigo (2A)


“I liked our swimming lessons. We did torpedoes, sinkies and I can’t remember the rest.” Quentin (1A)


“I loved the swimming lessons. We laid on our back and held a kickboard and we kicked our legs so we could move. The water was cold, but it got warmer once we got used to it.” Harlow (1A)



Mr John Wink

PE & Sport Coordinator