Stage 2

A message from Stage 2

Welcome to Term 2. We are nearly half way through this term and we already have so much happening.  


In this 5-week unit, students will gain a deeper understanding of the textual concepts of genre, perspective and context through an analysis of the texts Iceberg and Earth’s Incredible Oceans. Throughout the unit, students will apply their understanding of genre to group texts according to their purpose, subject matter, form, structure and language choices. Students will experiment with genre to create a variety of texts using their understanding of structure and language choices to suit a text’s purpose.


Students have been learning to read and order numbers, partition numbers and learn about the relationship between addition and subtraction. They are also learning to use flexible thinking to solve multiplication and division problems.


Stage 2s’ excursion to Thalgarrah has arrived. Students will be diving into the dynamic T.E.A.M. (Together Everyone Achieves More) program! This full-day adventure kicks off with an engaging discussion on the essence of teamwork, setting the stage for students to embody the principles they've explored. From navigating through thrilling challenges, to mastering the art of fire-making and collaborating on a delicious lunch, participants will be immersed in hands-on activities that foster teamwork and leadership. It's bound to be an exhilarating day of discovery and growth as our Stage 2 students embrace the power of collaboration. 

Athletics with Jay Stone

For the next 4 weeks Mr. Jay Stone, an athlete renowned for his accomplishments at the highest level of sport, is gracing the school with his training skills. With the Ben Venue athletics carnival looming on the horizon, Mr. Stone's visit couldn't be more timely. Students have been eagerly participating in a range of disciplines, from discus and shot put techniques to running and high jump.



Lyn Burgess, Elliot Chapman, Lauren Corby, Ben Laurie,  Sue Lye, Anna-Marie Paul and Amanda Swain. 

Stage 2 Teachers