
A message from Early Stage 1

Classroom helpers wanted

Kindergarten teachers are seeking parent/grandparent helpers to support student learning in literacy sessions. Support will include small group reading and letter/sound knowledge. An information session will be available for any interested parents/grandparents who would like to volunteer their time prior to this support program commencing. If you are interested or seeking further information, please email your child’s class teacher by Friday, May 24. 

UR Strong

If your child has NOT YET brought in a small ‘fuzzy friend’ (teddy bear, soft toy, stuffie) to support their learning in the URSTRONG program, please do so this week. Please ensure your child’s ‘fuzzy friend’ is clearly marked with their name.

Prac Student

The Kindergarten Giraffes are very lucky to have Kayla Latter joining their class for the next 6 weeks for her last practicum placement. Kayla is completing an Early Childhood and Primary Teaching degree through Southern Cross University. We warmly welcome Kayla to Ben Venue.


We are learning to:

  • hear and say the sounds /h/, /e/, /n/, /g/ and /l/ 
  • write the letters ‘h’, ‘e’, ‘n’, ‘g’ and ‘l’ using the correct formation 
  • read and spell words using the sounds we have learnt
  • read tricky words: to, they, that, said, are
  • write a simple sentence 


We are learning to:

  • give and follow simple directions when positioning ourselves or objects
  • partition numbers to 10

Integrated Learning

We are learning to:

  • understand that materials can have different properties and uses
  • carry out a simple investigation using the Predict, Observe, Explain method 
  • demonstrate our understanding of what everyday objects are made from
  • explore different kinds of weather

Personal Development and Health (PDH)

We are learning to:

  • identify new strategies for making new friends, including how to introduce themselves and ask a friend to play
  • identify the difference between healthy & unhealthy friendships and the impact that body language has on our friendships

Visual Arts

We are learning to:

  • explore the qualities of different drawing media
  • use a crayon and watercolour resist technique to produce an art work
  • use shape, vertical lines and texture to add detail to drawings
  • identify warm colours so I can use those for my autumn leaves


Heidi Gray, Kate Frizell, Sonya Rogers, Fiona Clayton and Eliza Tanner

Early Stage 1 Teachers