Year 10 Japanese excursion

Students of Nossal's Year 10 Japanese course headed to the city on the 10 May to immerse themselves in Japanese history, art and culture, and to put their knowledge to the test.
At 10 am, we arrived and entered the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) to attend our first workshop on Japanese art and history.
There, we learnt and experienced many fascinating aspects of traditional Japanese art, such as its use of animals and mythological creatures as well as the use of folding screens to depict vivid seasonal sceneries and ancient stories and tales.
Following that, we took a visit to Japan's Consulate General in Melbourne, where we attended a presentation where we were tested on our knowledge of and discovered more about Japanese pop culture.
We were also given valuable information on future opportunities and pathways for travelling and studying in Japan. Finally, we ended our journey in the city, and digested all of what we learnt with a hearty bowl of ramen.
It was certainly an exciting and intriguing excursion for everyone.
Sohan Anish Nair