Creative Writing

By Ket Win (Y10)
Community is more than just a collective
It is bolstered by loyalty, embellished with compassion
Chords of a piano in tune, compass points in line
A common direction, a common denominator
A flight of butterflies unite with the shared goal of prosperity
The monarchs in lead, swallowtails enjoying the breeze
Lacewings in the clouds, yellow admirals by the stage lights
Wings of fire and ice, scattering pollen to mark their presence
Different colours, shapes, hardships, but nevertheless
They stride as one
We stride as one.
We flutter in the wind with fascination
We stand with armour of emerald
We radiate an aura of grandeur
So take in the moment
Admire the conservatory with pride
The fruits of labour all to be cherished
The sweet taste of nectar all to be relished
Flashbacks on the road to Nossal
By Aryan Wakankar (Y10)
We sped down the M1. Flashbacks of my mediocre primary school emerged. It was a breeze, with gentle turns.
We merged onto the bustling ramp onto Clyde Road. Flashbacks of my awful junior high school life emerged, caged with the mediocre misbehaving students in the tedious classes.
We shuffled through Clyde Road, a blue sign with white letters read ‘Nossal High School’. Flashbacks of first discovering this remarkable school emerged, sparking aspiration within me.
We made a right turn onto Sir Gustav Nossal Boulevard. Flashbacks of the beginning of my preparation emerged, pestering successful family friends and hunting for tutors.
We were trapped in the traffic. Flashbacks of perceiving the high competition emerged - there were so many applicants!
We jolted over the first speed bump. Flashbacks of perceiving the difficulty of this exam emerged, failing my first practice exam.
We halted to allow other students to cross the road. Flashbacks of perceiving other competitors around me succeeding emerged, dumping us behind with failure.
We bounced over another speed bump but kept on driving. Flashbacks of hiking through the hardships emerged, however we did not give up.
We beared right, and now we were aiming straight towards Nossal. Flashbacks of seeing the gradual improvement in my practice exams emerged, instilling a glimmer of hope.
We halted to allow more students to cross the road. Flashbacks of seeing more competitors accomplish better scores emerged, stinging us with fear.
We bounced over another speed bump and jolted over another, right after. Flashbacks of my long hours of study and short leisure time emerged, stabbing us with boredom.
We slowed down at another bump, on an intersection; right was Venture Drive that led to the rest of the mediocre world and left was a gravel car park with a dead end. Flashbacks of competitors getting distracted and giving up emerged, however we kept on driving.
We jolted over another speed bump. Flashbacks of the main examination day emerged; we were drowning in anxiety.
But now, we travelled smoothly, no more speed bumps. Flashbacks of gliding through the exam emerged, fanning in relief.
Now, we take a left turn. Flashbacks of relaxing after the exam emerged, showering ourselves with amusement.
We took a U turn. Flashbacks of the outcome email emerged, congratulating me on my success.
I hugged and kissed my parents. Flashbacks of their pleasure in my success emerged - they were with me in every step of the struggle.
Now I am in an independent study environment - working towards my dream ATAR in the classrooms of the esteemed Nossal High School.