

Term 2, Week 6

Over the last few weeks, students have been revisiting their learning about being an Upstander in the classroom and playground. This has involved the Stop, Walk, and Talk strategy, which you may like to ask them about at home. This week, students started learning about Topic 4 from the Resilience, Rights, and Respectful Relationships Initiative: Problem Solving. In this topic, students learn how to solve problems in various social situations. The activities students complete for this topic aim to help them manage conflict and challenges both at school and outside of school.



This activity is taken from the Year 1-2 teaching resources and encourages students to brainstorm five different solutions to one problem. Students then talk about which solution they would use and why.


Prompt/problem: Malika was going to stay with her grandma for a few days while her mum went to hospital to have a new baby brother or sister. Malika liked playing at her grandma’s house, and she liked her grandma’s cooking very much. But she didn’t like the dark corridor and the dark bedroom so far away from her grandma’s room. She didn’t like the scary feeling of being far away from her mother at night. She was scared she would not be able to get to sleep. She was scared she would wet her bed if she wasn’t brave enough to go down the corridor to the toilet in the night. What could Malika do to solve her problem and worries?



 If you have any questions about Wellbeing at OOPS, please do not hesitate to email Adam Todd at: adam.todd@education.vic.gov.au