Specialists Wonga Weekly

Week 7, Term 2


Grade 1 and 2 

Students are completing their fictional animals and uploading this work as their Learning Snapshot by the end of the class.  


Grade 3 and 4 

Students will be beginning to explore the concept of Heat. What is the difference between friction and burning? What does a fire need to burn? 


Grade 5 and 6 

Students will be experimenting with Light to test their prior knowledge as we explore - What is light? What produces light? How do we use light? How does light travel?  


Physical Education

Prep-Grade 2

This week, students from Prep-Grade 2 will enjoy a junior Netball Clinic in their PE lesson, facilitated by coaches from the Warrandyte Netball Club. It will be a wonderful opportunity for children to enjoy learning the fundamental movement skills required for netball in an age-appropriate manner.


Prep Sensory

Students will participate in rotational activities with the focus of improving their core strength, balance and ability to work in a small group.


Grade 3 and 4

Our focus this week will shift to the sport of Australian Rules Football (AFL). We will begin by learning the key skills of kicking, handballing and marking.


Grade 5 and 6

Students will commence a unit focussing on Australian Rules Football (AFL). We will revise the key skills of kicking, handballing, marking and bouncing, and encourage children to monitory their technique when executing these skills. 


Visual Arts


This week students will be making connections our CBL topic ‘Country’. We will read the book ‘The River’ by Sally Morgan and make a fish skeleton from painted papers.


Grade 1 and 2

Students will be creating an Indigenous inspired textile piece. They will wrap yarn around cardboard and practise threading beads throughout their design.


Grade 3 and 4

Students will be beginning a construction artwork. They will design their ‘Box Monster’ and create the armature using boxes and recycled materials.


Grade 5 and 6

Students will begin their final artwork for this unit on ‘Country’. They will research the Indigenous art form ‘x-ray animals’ as seen in Arnham land rock paintings. Students will choose an animal and use it’s anatomy and skeletal structure to inspire their design inside the body outline. 

Performing Arts

For National Reconciliation Week, all students will learn to sing, and listen to and explore, First Nations music. 


🎵 Prep

Students will read the book 'Can you Dance?' by Aboriginal author, Sally Morgan, and learn a short movement piece in time to music. They will continue to practise and learn First Nations songs, as well as begin to explore the sounds of the didgeridoo. They will also add dynamics (soft or loud) into their clap-stick patterns they have been learning. 


🎤 Grade 1 and 2

Students are continuing to investigate the musical element of ‘pitch’. They will further explore 'Pitch Maps' as a graphic score to show how sound can step, slide or jump higher or lower. Students will learn and play a musical game of 'snakes and ladders' to demonstrate their understanding of the ways sounds can move up and down in pitch. 


🎶 Grade 3 and 4

Students are exploring how their own ideas can be developed into dramatic action. They will use situation prompts to create their own narratives to perform. Students will continue to consider how their voice and movement will help communicate their characters and the story they are telling. 


🎭 Grade 5 and 6

Students are continuing to work together to bring a large puppet, which they made in prior weeks, to life. They have chosen something they know really well (eg. ballet, kicking the football, swimming etc.) to 'copy from life', incorporating as much detail and specificity into the puppet. Students will be at various stages at the end of the week, including planning, rehearsing, performing or reflecting on their performance. Part of this process will be their learning snapshot for the Term.