Primary School


Next week we will be holding a Walpole Assembly in The Farrall Centre for our Year 3 - 6 students. The assembly will commence at 2.15pm on Monday afternoon. We welcome families to attend. There will be no Wells Assembly next week. Please remember that due to privacy concerns and to respect the photo permission choices of other families we ask you to refrain from taking photos and videos during assemblies.


On Monday 27 May there will be a K-6 Primary School Assembly. We welcome and invite all Primary School families to attend the assembly, which will commence at 2.15pm. Families are also invited for a coffee or tea in The Farrall Centre Foyer after the Assembly from 2.45pm.

Free Dress Day - Ronald McDonald House

Tuesday 21 May

The Friends' School is working collaboratively across campuses to support Ronald McDonald House Charities to raise money in support of sick children and their families. The Primary School will be participating in a dance event in The Farrall Centre at lunchtime this Friday 17 May, and then next Tuesday 21 May will have a free dress day with a gold coin donation to be given towards the Whole School donation to the charity.

Primary School Cross Country - PE lessons for Years 3-6 

The Primary School Cross Country will be held on Thursday 23 May from 12.00pm. During one of their PE lessons students in Years 3-6 will be travelling by bus to our Bell Street playing grounds to familiarise themselves with the cross country course. Years 3 and 4 will go on Thursday 16 May, Year 5 on Monday 20 May and Year 6 students on Wednesday 22 May. If you have any questions please contact Lisa Di Venuto.

Year 3 - Outdoor Education Excursion - Mount Field

Friday 31 May

On Friday 31 May, as part of our Outdoor Education program, all Year 3 students will be visiting Mt Field National Park. The bus will depart at 9.00am and return at 3.00pm. The bus will drop us off at the visitor centre and we will walk through the forest exploring the vegetation and waterfalls.  We will make connections with our Unit of Inquiry about how people explore, explain and create to understand the world. Students will be required to wear their PE uniform with comfortable shoes for walking and carry in their backpacks an additional warm jumper, waterproof raincoat, hat, beanie, drink bottle, lunch and snacks.  Please make sure students come with sufficient warm clothing and food and water for the day. There should be no lunch orders. Emily Ardas, our Outdoor Education Teacher, will be accompanying us. As this excursion is outside the greater Hobart area, the School requires the permission of families for students to attend.  If you have not already done so, could you please complete the Operoo permission form by Friday 24 May.

Japanese Cultural Day

Tuesday 28 May

On Tuesday 28 May the Primary School will be celebrating its Japanese language program with a matsuri (festival) titled Mizu Festival. Students will be learning about  Japanese water-based mythical creatures and making connections between Japan as a nation of islands and lutruwita/ Tasmania, our island state. The day will see our students enjoy an Opening Ceremony together followed by activities in vertical groups and classrooms.  Our Year 6 students will support younger students with Japanese activities. 


At the completion of the activities families are invited to join us at 1.00pm - 1.30pm for the Closing Ceremony where we will hear about the day and enjoy a performance from Taiko Drums. 

Year 5 -  Consent and Relationship Education (CARE) program - Parent information session

Wednesday 29 May

This term the Year 5 classes will be participating in a Consent and Relationship Education (CARE) program delivered by the Sexual Assault Support Service (SASS). This service is running a 'Come and Chat' session at 8.30am on Wednesday 29 May in the Primary Library for any parents who would like to find out more about the program content and ask questions. The first student session will begin in the classrooms on Thursday 30 May.


The Parent brochure is here.

Environment Council - Waste Free Lunch Day

Wednesday 26 June

In Term 1 the Environment Council promoted a Waste Free Lunch Day to launch a discussion in the Primary School around the impact of litter in our environment. It was a great success with many students making the effort to limit the amount of packaging they brought to school. Our next Waste Free Lunch Day will be in Week 9 on Wednesday 26 June. Let’s build on the success of Term 1’s event by keeping waste out of our school. On this day we are encouraging students to avoid bringing rubbish to school in their lunch boxes. Any non-compostable rubbish that is brought to school will be collected and weighed. We will compare the results from this term with those of Term 1 to examine the impact we can achieve.

Kindergarten Earthcare Days Term 2 - Lenah Valley 

The Kindergarten children will be visiting a site near the Lenah Valley Linear Park for their Earthcare Days this term. We will be going out each week, on Thursdays, from Weeks 2-9. We will travel to and from the site by bus. In Weeks 2-4 (9, 16 and  23 May) we will leave school on a bus at 12.15pm and will return by 2.30pm. This is to support children to allow them more time to get their wet weather gear on and to pack them away when they return. In Weeks 5-9 (30 May, 6, 13, 20 and 27 June) we will leave at 11.50am and will return by 2.45pm. Collection time for all children will be at 3.00pm from the Kindergarten area, at the end of the Kindergarten day as per usual.


On Earthcare days, the children come ready for active learning, in their sports uniform. Your child will need appropriate warm clothing for the forecasted weather and spare clothing packed for the excursions as we will be playing outdoors, even if it is raining. The school has special wet weather jackets and overpants that the children will wear as necessary, depending on the forecasted weather. You can also support your child by encouraging them to carry their own bags to and from school - they will be doing this independently on our Earthcare Days too. We are looking forward to seeing how their natural curiosity and wonder is expressed while we are there and what we can learn about the land we live on as we come to know a place slowly across these weekly visits. Please contact the Kindergarten team if you have any questions.


If your child will be absent from school for the day please advise the Primary School Office (phone: 6210 2228, or email: ) and the classroom teacher before 9.00am. We appreciate your support in this process.

Important Dates 

Term 2 Monday 29 April to Friday 5 July 

Monday 10 June – King’s Birthday