Hola from Barcelona - from the Antunovitch Family:

Hola from Barcelona, Mr Maindonald, Mrs Taylor and room 10! It's been two weeks already!
We are all settled into the way of life here, with some school work in the morning and some sort of activity, such as playing at a local playground or catching up with other families. We have made friends with families whose dads also work for Team New Zealand. We have been riding our bikes, catching buses and using the underground train too! Look at all the underground routes.https://www.mapametrobarcelona.com/mapas-metro/mapa-metro-barcelona-2024.png
Here are some pictures of what we've seen and places we have visited.
The Natural History Museum was interactive and had dinosaur fossils, lava rocks, semi-precious rocks, and hundreds of animals, fungi and plants carefully preserved in glass cases. Here is their brochure https://museuciencies.cat/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/WELCOME-BROCHURE-1.pdf
We visited Montjuic Castle, an old military fortress in 1640 built on the hill - that's 384 years old. It's so far up the mountain that they have a gondola to get up there. We could see views of all of Barcelona! Old! More about the castle https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montju%C3%AFc_Castle
We've been into the Team NZ base and seen Tai Horo up close and being lifted out of the water.
There is an Aquarium that has a path underwater, so we get a close-up view of the sharks, stingrays and giant sunfish. Some more about it here https://www.aquariumbcn.com/en/education/primary-school/
On days when yacht racing is held and it's sunny, we've gone to the fan zone to watch on the big screens, but you can also see the boats racing from the beach!
We hope you are really well, and we'll send another email in a few weeks,
Love from Johnny