Year 12 VCE VM

by Kerri Fulton

Year 12 VCE Vocational Major Community Projects:

As part of meeting the student’s outcomes for PDS (Personal Development Skills), the Year 12 VCE VM students were required to investigate and research an issue. They then had to select an organisation that supported their issue. Such as the issue of mental health and the organisation Beyond Blue. 

They were then required to organise and run a community project to support and raise awareness of that issue and organisation.

Money and awareness was raised for the Isabella and Marcus Foundation, Beyond Blue, Berry Street, White Ribbon Foundation, Cancer Council and Zaidee’s Rainbow Foundation and donations collected for the RSPCA. Close to $2000 was raised in total, by the students.


A massive thank you to all the staff, students and parents that supported all of the community projects. We were so thankful for all the support you gave the students and their events, it was very much appreciated.

An amazing effort by all the wonderful Year 12 VCE VM students. We are so proud of your efforts, and you should be so proud of your achievements! 


Ms Kerri Fulton

Vocational Coordinator

Staff vs Year 12 Basketball game organised by Conor, Cristian, Josh & Jaime
Staff vs Year 12 Basketball game organised by Conor, Cristian, Josh & Jaime
'The Isabella and Marcus Foundation' event raised over $100
'The Isabella and Marcus Foundation' event raised over $100



Organised by Jordyn, Lisa and Ange
Organised by Jordyn, Lisa and Ange

'White Ribbon Day' raised awareness and over $100 to support those affected by domestic violence.



'Zaidee's Rainbow Foundation' organised by Lola and Mali
'Zaidee's Rainbow Foundation' organised by Lola and Mali

'Future You' Year 12 Free Dress Day raising awareness and over $120 for Zaidee's Rainbow Foundation for Organ donation awareness.




'Big Morning Tea'
'Big Morning Tea'

'Big Morning Tea' raised over $365 for The Cancer Council.



Athletics Day BBQ
Athletics Day BBQ

Athletics Day BBQ and Snack Stall raised over $1265 for Beyond Blue and Berry Street.



Organised by Tikki & Chaz
Organised by Tikki & Chaz

RSPCA Donation Drive.