A note from Mr Jackson

Incident in the Yard
A special thanks to staff and students for their swift and professional response to the serious incident that occurred at the end of lunchtime yesterday. Their quick actions ensured the safety and well-being of all our students, and I deeply appreciate the care and attention provided during a challenging situation.
I understand that incidents like these can cause concern and anxiety, and I encourage parents to be alert to the wellbeing needs of their child/ren at this time. Every one of us responds differently to such events and some students may require extra support.
Thanks once again for all involved in responding to the incident. It is good to know the student concerned is well on the road to recovery.
Emergency Drill Thanks
Thanks to all onsite who shared in the termly Emergency Drill on Wednesday 11 October. The scenario students discussed focussed on a fire starting in Chandler Hall. Students moved effectively and efficiently on Wednesday afternoon. Students and teachers will continue to reflect on their learnings that will shape the 2024-2025 Emergency Management Plan.
Thanks to parents onsite at the time who followed through with the exercise. A reminder that all visitors to the school must sign in upon arrival at the school.
Swimming Update
Unfortunately swimming last week was cancelled due to health and safety concerns at the Ivanhoe Aquatic Centre. The catchup session for the students in 1/2 classes will happen next Thursday 19 September and be held at the same times.
SunSmart Reminder
Lots of our students enjoy being outside. One only needs to watch the stream of students as they leave the classrooms at recess and lunch and see them dash to their favourite playground spots or fan out as they arrive on ‘the oval’. But being outdoors means students can also be exposed to UV radiation. With UV levels in Victoria now reaching 3 and above, it’s time for everyone to start using sun protection again.
At this time of year, everyone is encouraged to use five forms of sun protection:
- Slip on sun protective clothing
- Slop on SPF50 or SPF50+, broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen
- Slap on a broad-brimmed hat – this is compulsory at Rosanna Primary School during recess and lunch periods.
- Seek shade
- Slide on sunglasses
As we all make plans for the holidays, I encourage all families to continue to reinforce this message.
Frog Bog Update
Tomorrow students will have an opportunity to learn a little more about the Frog Bog. Thanks to our Sustainability Team, some hard working parents and staff, students are invited to share in a presentation at 1:30pm on Friday in the Frog Bog area. Your child might come home with a Frog Bog Ambassador sticker or badge with lots of new learnings about our newest school space.
The attached photo is of a banjo frog discovered in one of our drains very close to our new Frog Bog. It was found during one of our Working Bees as we cleaned out our stormwater! We hope our Frog Bog will be a wonderful home for such wonderful creatures.
2025 Prep Orientation Dates
We’re excited to welcome our new 2025 Prep students to their Term 4 Orientation sessions. Letters with more information will be coming home this week.
Session 1 -
Wednesday 16 October 2024,
9.30am to 10.45am
Session 2 -
Friday 1 November 2024,
9.30am to 10.45am
Session 3 -
Friday 15 November 2024
9.30am to 10.45am
Session 4 -
Thursday 28 November 2024,
9.30am to 10.45am
Session 5 -
Monday 9 December 2024,
12:30pm to 1:30pm
A special Parent Evening for those who can not attend the orientations will be held on Wednesday 20 November 2024 at 7.30pm.
We are looking forward to welcoming both our new students and parents into our community over the coming term. Our Prep teachers will be visiting kindergartens and child care settings to begin building relationships and gaining a clearer picture of the needs and natures of our incoming cohort.
Footy Frenzy Day Wednesday 18 September
Make sure you prepare for our Footy Day Frenzy. All students are invited to wear the jerseys of their favourite netball, AFL, Soccer, NRL or Basketball team. This is a chance to celebrate the value of sport and encourage an active lifestyle. Please find an example of the new school uniform at Rosanna Primary School! Join us for a parade in the afternoon session where we will all (some of us perhaps) be wearing the red and white! The day will involve a sausage sizzle, the ‘longest kick’ competition and some trivia.
Early Finish on Friday 20 September
A reminder that school will finish at 2:30pm on the last day of school this term. Assembly will start at 1:45pm. Students will be supervised in the playground until 2:45pm. Please ensure that your child is registered and booked in with TheirCare if supervision is required beyond this point.