Physical Education

Hi Families,
Wow the term has gone so very quickly and when I look at back at what we achieved the list is long! So very proud of all the students participating in their PE programs and also those year 4-6 students that have been selected for various sporting codes, they have been representing SJV so incredibly well, I am super proud to witness this each time we head to an event.
Dates for the diary:
Term 4:
Friday 11th October - District Cricket (selected students)
Monday 14th October - Division Athletics (selected students)
Tuesday 15th October - Division Volleyball (selected boys/girls teams)
Tuesday 15th October - Division Basketball (selected girls team)
Thursday 31st October - Twilight sports (during the day - see some info below)
Thursday 7th November - EMR Boys Netball (selected students)
Twilight Sports (House Sports)
Our Twilight Sports will take a slightly different format this year with the event starting at 1.30pm and concluding at 4.30pm. Students will take buses to the venue from school and students will be required to be picked up at the conclusion of the event from the venue. We welcome all parents/carers to attend the day to enjoy watching their children run, skip and jump during the day. More information regarding an outline of the day etc. will come next term.
Basketball Tops and Uniforms
Any uniforms the year 5 & 6 students may have from basketball days could you please return ASAP to the table in front of the community centre offices. Your assistance with this is really appreciated.
Operoo - Fixtures/Schedules
I receive a few emails throughout the term for different sporting events looking for fixtures, team lists etc so parents can go and watch their children. Just thought I would put information here. I always attach any fixtures/schedules I have before an event, some may be updated after the operoo has been sent out. They are usually attached at the bottom of the page after the signatures section, you will just need to scroll down a bit and they will be there. I will always attach this information rather than print it off for the students for convenience for you. Any further questions, don’t hesitate.
Have a well deserved rest and enjoy some much needed down time with your families.
Stay safe, keep active
Catherine Wall
Health and Physical Education Teacher
Sport Coordinator