
Year 1 Classes Shine in our Sustainability Unit
As part of our sustainability unit in Term 2, at the end of Term 2 our Year 1 classes engaged in exciting and educational activities that not only contributed to our school environment but also provided valuable learning experiences. Our big question was: Why do we have a responsibility to be sustainable?
Class 1E: Frog Hotel Class 1E planned and created a Frog Hotel, providing a safe and welcoming habitat for our local frogs. This activity taught students about the importance of biodiversity and how we can help protect native wildlife. They learned about different frog species, their habitats, what they need to thrive, how a healthy environment will attract frogs and the critical role frogs play in our ecosystem. Through hands-on building and problem-solving, students also developed teamwork and critical thinking skills. A special thanks goes out to Bunnings and Bungalook Nursery for donating the materials and plants needed for this special project
1E student comments:
“I learned how we can protect and look after frogs by building homes for them to live in.” - Mya
“Frogs like to eat insects and need water and plants to live. We needed to make a place that they’d want to live in.” - Mia
“If you have frogs in your area, your house or school is a healthy environment.” - Ollie
“We built the frog hotels so we can protect them and give them shelter.” - Raf
Class 1S: Compost Bin Class 1S took on the project of creating a compost bin. This initiative helped students understand the process of composting and its benefits for reducing waste and enriching soil. They learnt that the compost should consist of both green and brown layers of organic household and garden waste and also learnt about the important role worms play in helping the organic waste to decompose. This project fostered a sense of responsibility and environmental stewardship, as students saw firsthand how their actions can contribute to a healthier planet.
Both projects not only enhanced our school's sustainability efforts but also provided our Year 1 students with practical knowledge and skills that will stay with them for years to come. Well done, 1E and 1S!
1S student comments:
‘I learnt that the sticks go in first and then the brown layer and then the green layer which is the fruit and veggies.’ Willow
‘I learnt that you can put eggshells in the compost. I learnt that you put sticks on the bottom and then there are different layers. One is the green layer and one is the brown layer.’ Joshua
‘We can recycle apples, bananas and vegetables in the green layer of the compost.’ Bowie
‘To make compost you need fruit and veggie scraps. You need to mix it up to help it break down. For the green layer you need to add grass and for the brown layer you can add cardboard.’ Amelia