Denise's Message

Dear Families,

Welcome back to Term 4!

We hope you all had a restful and enjoyable holiday. We’re excited for the many wonderful events planned for this term. Remember to stay updated by regularly checking Class Dojo and reading the school noticeboard for important announcements.


A special thank you to Angela and our leadership team for ensuring a smooth start to Term 4 whilst I had an extra week of leave.


Art Show

Our bi-annual Art Show takes place on Thursday 24th October.

Over the past 18 months, our talented students have created incredible artwork, and we’re excited to showcase their amazing pieces! There will be beautiful displays of their work, along with musical performances to make the evening even more special.

Keep an eye on Class Dojo for further details. We hope you can join us for an amazing experience celebrating our students' creativity!


School Uniform

As we return for Term 4, all students are required to wear their full correct summer uniform. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately each day.

If a student is not in the correct uniform, parents will receive a notification as a reminder. Thank you for your cooperation in maintaining our school’s dress standards.


Mobile Phones

Students must hand in their mobile phones to the office at the beginning of each school day. Phones are not permitted for use on school property.

If a child is found using their phone inappropriately, it will be confiscated, and parents will be contacted to collect it. Please speak with your child about the importance of responsible phone usage.

Thank you for your understanding and support.


Returning to St Michael's

Families recently received a request to inform the school of your intentions for 2025. It’s important that you reply, as we are currently preparing for the new school year.

We have received numerous enrolment requests and need to know if any places will be vacated. Your prompt response will greatly assist us in our planning.



Our annual swimming program begins next week, offering a great opportunity for children to improve their water safety and swimming skills. All students are required to participate in lessons each day.


Please ensure:

  • Each item of your child’s clothing is clearly named.
  • They bring swimming goggles.
  • If your child has long hair, a swimming cap is recommended.


Congratulations to Brydie and Alasdair, mother and stepfather of Elke (3/4T), on the birth of their baby girl Anneke.




Our sympathies and condolences go out to the Cosic family for the passing of their beloved grandmother, Viktorija Cosic, may perpetual light shine upon her, and may she rest in peace.





Denise Hussey



'The most simple thing I can do is to be good today but better tomorrow'

Catherine McAuley - Mercy Sisters Foundress



All students attending St Michael's Primary School have the right to feel safe. The care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people is a fundamental responsibility of all within our school./