Student Leaders 

News & Awards 

Ms Antonella

IGNATION Award:   Congratulations Hannah 3/4 who is always so respectful to all those around her. 


Student Class Awards (From our last Assembly in Week 9 of Term 3)


Prep CM 



SelenaHaving a fantastic first term at Trinity Primary School. We are so happy to have you in our class!

1 / 2 MB







Working hard in Maths and finding the area of 2D shapes in the classroom. 


For working independently and showing amazing growth in her writing. 

1/2  RT



Goldie For writing a creative and inspiring 5 senses poem about the outdoors. Keep up the great writing Goldie!

1/ 2  AO




AidenWorking so hard with your poetry writing.  You wrote a wonderful acrostic poem and also your 5 senses poem was amazing.

3/4 MG



ArisFor always coming into class with a smile and positive attitude towards learning!

3/4 TR



Troy HShowing great dedication to his learning

5/6  FA



Charlie NDisplaying excellence in his maths work in Term 3. 

5/6 BOC



Andrew MThank you Andrew for always putting your hand up to help out even when you are busy. We appreciate your kindness and dedication to always being a helper to your teachers and peers. 

Performing Arts- 

Ms Stanton

William N (3/4TR)For taking direction well and showing off something new and exciting every time you perform. 
Sport- Mrs MclearyDavid L Prep

For remaining focused in class and working hard to improve the accuracy of his overarm throw

Mandarin- Mr SuDeng M 1/2AOFor showing very good concentration and efforts in the class, and completing his learning tasks with a partner.

Science- Mrs Foley



Frankie T

Frankie, you worked so hard during science this week. You were able to get yourself organised and ready for learning and completed all tasks! Well done! 

Leaders and SRC Meeting  Week 10

Present:  Douglas, Yagmur, Amy, Cam, Patrick

Anthony, Aidan, Andy,Olivia,

Tsnu, Thomas,  Lucas, Amout

Date: Monday 11 September 2023

Chairperson:  Aidan

Teacher Present: Mrs Antonella


  • Well done  for  a TERRIFIC TERM 3- we wish everyone a safe and happy holiday break!!

On a scale of 1-10, how has our school  been  learning this week? 

 PREP - 9 writing about our narratives

1/2AO - 7 writing and math, art and music

1/2RT - 7 some people are distracting others and not finishing their work - finishing posters in music

1/2MB - 10  lots of learning and listening to the speaker

3/4TR 9 The magic finger class novel, shapes, making 3D models and Indigenous art and literacy

3/4MG- 3D objects during math - we learnt how to draw 3D objects 

5/6FA- 9 completing all our learning tasks and having pride in what we have achieved this term

5/6BOC - 7 working hard with the Art Show, groups and Bike Ed


On a scale of 1-10, how has our school  been  working together this week?


 PREP-  10 for working very well this term!!

1/2AO - 5 some people are being mean, shouting and not being kind

1/2RT - some people not being respectful in their group work

1/2MB -  following instructions and listening to each other without shouting and not being silly

3/4TR- 10 making responsible choices and in group works

3/4MG  Stop shouting at each other and making random noises.  Stop calling out / Bike Ed

5/6FA- 8 helping with the Art Show 

5/6BOC - 9 maths and literacy focus groups are going well



Learning and events in our school this week:

  • FOOTY Colours day on this Friday - wear your team’s colours- all teams included!
  • Bike Ed in sport lessons
  • 'Come Learn with Us' -  Wednesday morning for the whole school starting at 9am
  • CERES Incursion on Thursday for selected students in year 3/4/5/6

What can we improve on this week:

Littering is still a problem in the quiet area We all need to be responsible for our school environment and remind everyone to keep the area clean and pack up the games
Tag games on the adventure playground - mostly senior students 

It is not safe to run and play on the play equipment especially when juniors are there as well


Rubbish in the sand pit  We all need to keep our playground clean including the sand pit and look after the toys