Community Advertising

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De La Salle Open Days
De La Salle College in Malvern is a non-zoned open entry Catholic College and is currently taking bookings for school tours. You can also use the QR Code below to get an idea of what a day in the life of a De La Salle Student looks like.
Fitzroy Baseball Club
Fitzroy Baseball Club is a Melbourne baseball club with a long history in the area and they are wanting to attract new members to the club to ensure that their future remains bright.
At Fitzroy they promote good health, team bonding and a great sporting experience in one of the world’s most popular sports. They are holding a free 'come and try' day on Sunday 10th September from 9am-112am. See Flyer below.
Always Learning and Always Evolving
Extend's valuable and informative monthly publication, 'The Link - Community Hub', has just released its latest edition. It provides interesting articles, reviews and ideas for our community to read and share!Please click below to download the latest edition
Kinder Partners News - Richmond Kindergarten
Play Day at Richmond Kindergarten | Open Day at Richmond Kindergarten |
Come and explore the newly renovated space. Fun activities and snacks provided. Children of all ages welcome. Tuesday 12 September 10.30am to 12pm Book by 5 September to secure your place | Meet our educators and learn about our kindergarten service. Explore the newly renovated space. Fun activities and snacks provided. Children of all ages welcome. Tuesday 8 August10.30am to 12pm Book by 1 August to secure your place |