Principal's News

Mr Rodrigues

Important Notices

  1. School concludes for all students tomorrow 1:35pm. 
  2. Whole School assembly at 12:45pm
  3. MACSSIS: Please complete the MACSSIS parent survey as soon as possible- 1 Survey per family 
  4. Daylight Savings begins Sunday 1st October - turn back the clocks
  5. Term 4 begins on Monday 2nd Oct

School Enrolments

A reminder to complete the   2024 Google Form HERE. to assist us with our planning for the 2024 school year.


Dear Families and Friends,

Hasn't it been an absolutely wonderful term? Looking back over our school calendar, it is hard to believe that we were able to fit it all in but I suppose when you have such great teachers, amazing families and of course our incredible children, anything is possible. Thank you all for the enormous effort throughout the term, here at school and in each of your homes. Our holidays, I hope, can be a time to take things a little slower than normal and to catch up on a bit of rest and relaxation. 


Learning Expo

Thank you to those parents who were able to attend our Learning Expo this week and to share a little bit of time in classrooms. As we had our Art Show just the week before, our Learning Expo looked a little different to normal and so we will reflect on this and how we can continue to provide opportunities for families to share in the learning our children do throughout the year. 


P&F Funds & Spending

As you know, we have a small group of parents who make up our Parents & Friends and they do an amazing job in organising so many activities throughout the year. Over the years and from our school fete earlier this year, our P&F had almost $20000 raised to go towards resources and works to benefit the children of Trinity.  With the approval of our P&F comittee we have been able to purchase some amazing resources for our STEAM/Science program which Mrs Foley will use to further engage our children in rich learning activities. 

We are also looking at providing a cover for our sand pit to ensure the area is protected from rubbish and is always safe for our children to play in. We are also looking into purchasing some new Art and Technology resources to further enhance these programs as well.  I will keep you all informed as these purchases are made and thank each of you for your ongoing generosity in supporting our fund raising efforts.



We are always eager to recruit new members to the P&F so if this is something you would like to contribute to please let me know or speak to Jenny Gill as I am sure she would love to hear from you.  



Thanks again to the many families who have already completed the MACSSIS surveys. I know that sometines we can be bombarded with surveys and often they can take a bit of time to complete. However these parent surveys are what we use to develop our goals and directions each year. The more parents who complete the surveys, the more we can respond to your needs. If for any reason you have lost your family login pin please email me or call the office. 


Congratulations Isabel, Olivia & Goldie

We have some budding basketball superstars in our school and they all proudly wore their premiership medals to school. We are very proud of them and their team who obviously worked really hard this season to reach this great achievement. 



Prayer for the End of Term

Loving Father, 

As we come to the end of another term we turn to you in confidence and place any difficult times into the healing hands of Jesus, your Son. 

Enable us to leave behind any pain of the past and any regrets  entrusting the past to your mercy, the present to your love, and the future to your providence. 

Help us appreciate more the need to keep a good balance in our lives. 

May the holidays be for us a time of rest and recreation to help restore us and re-create us in your image and likeness, as we enjoy more of the love and presence of our families, on whom we ask your blessing. 



What's on for Young People in Richmond in Term 3? 

Check out the flyer in our Community Advertising Page this week


Community Calendar HERE - Keep up with our important dates!


Kind Regards

Nigel Rodrigues
