What's On In Our School Community

Junior Production Flyers

Derinya Wheel-a-thon – Friday October 20th


In the world, millions of children with disabilities can’t get access to adequate wheelchairs—and the impact on their quality of life is profound. Many are forced to live on the earthen floor of huts or wait to be carried, making them more vulnerable to disease, malnutrition and armed conflict, as well as experiencing lower educational attainment and higher rates of poverty.


Derinya PS is running a fundraising event with Wheelchairs for Kids who are a volunteer-based not-for-profit organisation providing the transformative gift of mobility to children in impoverished and under resourced communities both in Australia and around the globe. They will be providing the school 40 wheelchairs in which each class will spend some time wheeling peers out on our newly resurfaced turf. A timetable for the day will be sent closer to the date. 


We are aiming for each class to raise $275 (the cost of one wheelchair), which would result in our school raising funds to donate over 35 wheelchairs to those in need.  


How to donate:-Individual class QR codes have been added to your child’s Seesaw account and a hard copy will be sent home. After scanning the QR code, you will be taken to a donation page. Please share with friends and family to help Derinya PS raise funds to support this wonderful cause. 


A schedule of class times for the day will be sent out closer to the date, and there will be a coffee cart on-site for your enjoyment!