Library News

What's New in the Library?

We’ve added some great titles for our mid-level readers looking to move on from shorter fiction books. They feature unique characters to which students in late primary and early high school can relate. 


Join 12-year-old Marie as she battles convention on her journey to save her town from disease-spreading rats in ‘The Rat-Catcher’s Apprentice, or Pearl and Vally on their mission to save their famous arcade in ‘The Grandest Bookshop in the World’. 

There are plenty more great novels to be read and characters to discover. So, head down to the library and kickstart your love of reading with any of the great mid-level novels in our catalogue.


Premier’s Reading Challenge Awardees

Our Term 2 newsletter featured a segment on the 2023 Premier’s Reading Challenge. Many of our students took up the challenge, especially a lot of our IEC students. 


This year, we had 20 students complete the challenge, which was to read 15 books listed on the PRC booklist and 5 personal-choice books. What’s incredibly special about these 20 awardees is that 18 of them are from the Intensive English Centre IEC - a fantastic achievement! 


We are so incredibly proud of their motivation to complete the challenge, and we were more than happy to award them with gifts for their achievements during the morning assembly.