School News

Dear Wyndham Vale Primary School Families,
As we continue to refine and enhance the programs and opportunities we offer to our students and families, we have just completed a thorough tender process to review the Outside of School Hours Care Program at our school.
As a result of this process, we are pleased to announce our decision to appoint TeamKids as our new OSHC provider. The TeamKids OSHC service will commence during the summer holidays on January 8, 2024. The program will continue to operate from our gymnasium.
We are confident that the partnership that we now have with TeamKids will benefit all students and families at our school.
^These fees will be significantly reduced when the family’s eligibility for Child Care Subsidy (CCS) is applied to the total cost of the day. Families will only be charged the “Gap” after their CCS is applied. Individual family circumstances will affect the CCS rebate. Further information can be found at:
TeamKids are proud to be independently owned and run by teachers.
Unique to the industry, TeamKids will employ a qualified full-time co-ordinator, known as a Director of Service, at our school.
The Director of Service has two overarching responsibilities, and that is to:
1. Implement age-appropriate experiences that are engaging and fun, but also create learning environments that are warm, unique, and stimulating, a place where children don’t have to go, they want to go.
2. Ensure consistency of staff, provide an exemplary level of communication with the children and parents, and build a strong, genuine relationship with the school and the broader community.
In addition to this, TeamKids have set a new standard in the OSHC space in their offerings that:
• Build parental and student confidence through the quality of outstanding programs and communication.
• Create child–led programs that enrich and extend the children in meaningful ways as their TeamKids Clubs.
• Establish long-lasting relationships with our school by having complete community engagement, enhancing what already makes our school special.
• Provide industry-leading educator-to-student ratios.
Further information will be supplied in the coming weeks with information events to be announced and family handbooks supplied to all members of the community. These events may include an online Parent Information Session and on-site Parent’s Coffee Morning where TeamKids staff members will be in attendance to answer any questions and to help with registering.
All families will need to register for free with TeamKids.
If you have not used TeamKids before then you will need to register your child and add your bookings. Please go to the website: and click on the ‘Book Now’ drop down menu to select ‘Register Now’.
Bookings for 2024 will open soon - we will let you know on Compass when these open.
If you have used TeamKids before, please contact their Customer Service Team and they will link your account. You will then just need to add your desired bookings. TeamKids’ local Customer Service team is always there to help. Please contact their Customer Service team via email or phone 1300 035 000, press #1 if you have any questions.
Yours faithfully,
Jodie Gauci
Acting Principal
We hope the year 2 students are looking forward to year 2 sleepover, the date for it will be:
Thursday 9th November - Friday 10th November.
More information will be sent home closer to the date.
Road Safety:
Wyndham Council have contacted us to inform us they will be patrolling our school area due to the large number of complaints they have received regarding dangerous driving, parking across drive ways and on the nature strips as well as the school crossings not being used.
We are asking that you are vigilant at all times and role model for our students the following:
Cross at the school crossings
Do not park on the nature strip
Do not park across our neighbors driveways and block them
Do not double park to drop children off/pick them up
Do not speed, be aware of your speed and the speed limit during school hours
Pedestrians are to give way to vehicles at round abouts.
It is everyone's best interest to keep the students safe and be respectful to those around you and be a good role model for the students.
Resilience Project
Gratitude is paying attention to the things that we have right now, and not worrying about what we don’t have. We practise this by noticing the positives that exist around us.
Whole Family Activity:
Gratitude Scavenger Hunt:
As a family create a scavenger hunt list of things that make you happy or you are grateful for, you can make your own list.
Family Habit Builder:
Every night at dinner, have each person talk about their favourite thing about that day.
Empathy is our ability to put ourselves in the shoes of others to feel and see what they do. We practice this through being kind and compassionate towards other people.
Whole Family Activity:
Neighbourhood Kindness Challenge
As a family, choose an act of kindness from the list below that you would like to do for a neighbour or family friend. Each family member can select one to commit to, or you can choose to do one together.
Family Habit Builder:
Every night at dinner, have each person thank another family member for something they’ve done or said today, or give another family member a compliment.
Mindfulness is our ability to be present at any given moment. We practise this by using intentional awareness and concentrating on what you are doing when you are doing it.
Whole Family Activity:
Mindful Walk
- As a family, go on a walk outside in nature. This might be around your local walking track, at your local park or just around your streets.
- While walking, tune into your senses and observe what you can see, hear and feel. Or you might choose to focus on one of the senses. Eg: Hear: what are all the noises you can hear on your walk?
- On your way home or when you return home, share what each person saw, heard or felt.
Family Habit Builder:
Each night at dinner, ask everyone to take one mouthful of food more mindfully than the rest and think about the flavours they can taste and how it makes them feel. (They can also thank the chef!).
Want to know more? Access the parent/carer website!
Walcom Ngarrwa Secondary College Parent Information Night
When: Wednesday 1st November.
Where: Our Staffroom
Time: 5-6pm
The school gates open at 8.20am not earlier, please do not drop your child/ren at the front office any earlier. Please remember to pick your child/ren up on time, school finishes at 2.55pm. If you cannot be at the school by 2.55pm please make alternative arrangements as our office staff have commitments within the school and cannot look after your child/ren.
Big Childcare offer a before and after school program and be contacted on
0403 280 852 or
All late comers need to go straight to Ms. Dalton to be signed in.
Please remember to label you child's uniform with their name. We have many items of clothing in lost property that we cannot return because there is no name on the items.