Principal's Message

A message from our Principal

Dear Families,


Welcome back to school and all the amazing things we have coming up in Term 4. I am sure many of you enjoyed the great weather we had over the holidays and managed to find some time to relax or do something special with your family or friends. Some exciting news below…



Principal’s Award Winners- Term 3

Congratulations to Gary 4A, Summer 5C and Lihitesh 6E for this outstanding achievement. These students are excellent examples of our school values, respect, responsibility and honesty. They consistently put in their best efforts in the classroom and always interact safely when out in the yard. They are kind to others and themselves and we are very proud of them!


Oval works

You may have noticed that over the holidays the oval was fenced off. This is in preparation for the refurbishment to take place and hopefully over the next few weeks you will see the new oval begin to take shape. As exciting as this is, we will still have to wait until early Term 1 2024 to access the oval to ensure the grass is ready for use.


Out of School Hours Care

We will be saying goodbye to Big Childcare at the end of this year and we would like to thank them for running before school care, afterschool care and the holiday programs, including all their support with school events such as the school picnic and concerts. TeamKids will be the school's new OSHC provider, and they will be working very closely with the community over this term to ensure a smooth transition for all families. See attached flyer                                                                        under the School News tab  for further information.


Physical Education Events

Yesterday our volleyball team competed at divisions at Eagle Stadium and placed  3rd and today the softball divisional competition took place at Werribee Baseball Club. Next week our Cricket team will head off to compete at Fearon Reserve, Williamstown and we have our Regional Athletics team competing the week after. We wish everyone good luck as they enter this next level of competition!

Swimming will also go ahead again this term with 5B, 5C, 5D, 5G, FC and FD attending in week 4 and 5E, 5F, FE, FF, FG, FH and FI attending in week 9.




2024 Foundation Transition Sessions

If you know someone who will be starting Foundation next year, please encourage them to enrol as soon as possible as our transition sessions will be taking place soon. The first 3 sessions will run for 40minutes, with the final session running for 2 hours. These sessions provide an opportunity for the teachers to get to know the students and for the students to begin to connect with school and their peers. Individual session times will be sent out next week to those who have enrolled.


Session 1-  Monday 20th November

Session 2-  Wednesday 29th November

Session 3-  Tuesday 5th December

Session 4-  Tuesday 12th December 

*Please note: we aim for this 4th session to be held with the 2024 classroom teacher in the 2024 classroom.



2024 Foundation Information Night

Keep Wednesday 6th December, 7:00pm-8:30pm free if you have a child starting school in Foundation 2024. This information session will cover everything you need to know to ensure a smooth start to school. On this night you will also find out who your child’s 2024 classroom teacher will be.




Grade 2 Sleep Over


We are very excited to announce that we have had enough teachers volunteer to stay the night so the Grade 2 sleep over can go ahead. The sleep over will take place on Thursday 9th November-Friday 10th November. More information to come soon!



Grade 6 Graduation

On Monday 18th December, Grade 6 families will be invited to celebrate the Grade 6 students as they prepare to leave Wyndham Vale Primary School and move on to Secondary School. More information about tickets and the nights events coming soon.




Just a reminder that it is school policy that in Term 1 and Term 4 all students wear a hat when outside. This includes at playtimes, when participating in PE or any other outdoor learning activities. Hats must be a bucket or wide brim hat and be plain navy blue.





We are excited to announce that we have 2 new arrivals:

Emma and Elliott James announced the safe arrival of their son Henry James on 12th October and  Sarah Nolan and her husband Joel announced the arrival of their daughter Billie.




A reminder that Monday 6th November is a Curriculum Day and Tuesday 7th November is Melbourne Cup and both these days are student free days. No students are required at school these days and alternate arrangements will need to be made for their care.

Have a great weekend


Jodie Gauci

Acting Principal