School Captain's Message

Hello Teachers, Students, and Parents of WVPS.
We have had a successful week back starting with the installation of 6 filtered water bottle refill stations around the school grounds, for the upcoming summer. This was achieved by using our money earnt from the shop for the schools, so well done to the school community for raising this money, it has been well spent. Students are required to bring their drink bottles for this upcoming summer term.
The JSC and School Captains continued their work on establishing the Active Schools program at WVPS. We had a visit from the Wyndham Mayor, Sue McIntyre and she helped us to look at possible safe walking and riding paths for students to use! We all worked hard and have mapped out safe walking routes to school. Next, we will be spray painting these paths, so that all students can follow these to school.
We also worked with Susie Inglis from the Wyndham council’s Habitat Heroes program. We completed planting 75 plants which are growing beautifully. Next we are looking to create a vegetable garden and installing compost bins. Please ensure all students wear hats and bring drink bottles in Term 4.
Isabella - School Captain
Mae & Farheen - Vice Captains