Year 3-6 Sector


Year 3

In Term 4 in reading we have been learning about poetry, we have been clarifying unknown words and determining the theme of a poem. In writing we are learning about the structure of a poem, poetic devices like rhyme and alliteration and creating lots of poems.  


In Maths we have been learning about money. We have found ways to make different amounts of money and have been adding money together. – Lovella 3C


We are proud of all our students' efforts, positive mindsets and look forward to acknowledging and celebrating their accomplishments with them throughout these units.

Year 3 Team


Year 4

In year 4 for reading and writing we are studying Poetry. We are learning about different poems such as Acrostic, Cinquain and Haiku poems and how they are written and structured. We practised reading some poems out loud using different tunes and pitch to create a better understanding of the poem. We are starting to write some of our own poems too. Some of the poems we are studying have different placements and words and are very unique. Recently, we started looking at visual poems and are looking at how a poem or an image can be changed to make us think about it differently or feel more emotional about it.


Here is an example of a poem written by Aaliyah in 4D



The city holds so many lights

That they shine into my eyes,

They appear in everyone’s sights

So when they’re on you , you can fly a kite. 


On the road, it’s always busy

All the people that walk by make me dizzy.

The city has such a big crowd,

That everywhere I go, its always’s so loud!


Near the streets, they have some amazing food

That I never compliment them something rude!

The best one is pancakes with honey,

It was so good, I tipped them some money!


The store’s clothes are so big,

They match with my mother’s old wig.

The best one I’ve seen is a black suit,

That matches with the dark brown boots.


The buildings near the stations are so tall,

They’re 30x bigger than my bedroom wall!

They decided to make one so high, 

That it makes me think that I can fly .

By Aaliyah Gayatin 4D


In Maths we have been learning about Data and Decimals. In Data we have learnt about the different types of graphs such as a bar graph, line graph and column graph. We have explored the differences between numerical data and categorical data. 


In decimals we have been learning how to correctly read out decimal numbers in its word form and in its number form. We have learnt 2 digit and 3 digit decimal numbers. We have also learnt how to recognise the place value of a decimal-such as we know for words such as thousandths and hundredths we always need to remember the ‘th’! as it is a smaller part of the whole number!


Recently in Grade 4 we started a program called Stress Busters! We have been learning about the human brain and different techniques and strategies we can use to help us calm down in stressful or anxious situations. We will be participating in these sessions ones a week to learn about how to control and manage our emotions. Already we have learnt so many helpful things!


Our grade 4 camp is quickly approaching, and everybody is so excited! We are receiving lots of information to help us prepare for cam. We also had some grade 5 students who went on the camp last year come and speak to us and answer any questions we had about the camp and their experience on it-such as ‘what were the cabins like?’ and ‘what activities did you do?’. We also watched a video about what the camp is going to be like. We are all very excited and looking forward to November! 


Written By Clinton H and Kavya B 4D 


''In year 4, kindness is our jam!''

Year 4 Team

Year 5

Colour Run

Last term, the Year 5’s took part in the annual Colour Run, raising money for our school. It was a beautiful day and we all enjoyed running around the oval while the Year 9’s covered us in coloured powder! We then got to end the session playing carnival games.



In science this term, we are learning about light. We will be conducting different experiments throughout the unit, investigating how light works. Last week we learnt how light travels from a light source to an object, then to our eyes so that we see it. Here are some students in 5C creating a demonstration using string. 

Upcoming events: 

  • Swimming (Week 7 and 8)
  • Luna Park (Week 10)


Kind regards,

Grade 5 Teachers

Year 6


We have been reading a range of different poetry types including limericks, haiku, free verse, Slam poetry and ballads. We have begun writing amazing poems keeping our purpose and audience in mind. 


Here are some snippets from our ‘Me’ Slam poems:


I think about what would happen if I tore the net apart,

I think about the first step out,

Running around with my hair in the wind flying,

Or is it better to know when I am dying?



I am only twelve,

A little child in the world,

Dreaming big, head in the clouds,

Wishing for a future that will make me proud.




We are learning about Data and have been interpreting and creating graphs. How would you interpret the data relating to the statement below? 

Source: reSolve: Mathematics by Inquiry, Australian Academy of Science.


Transition to Secondary School

We are beginning to reflect on our primary years and think about the changes that occur as we transition to secondary school. We have begun reading timetables on Compass and will be having some Elective subject sessions with various teachers later this term. We have chosen from Art, Games & Activities, Horrible Histories and Sports Clinics. 


Canberra Trip

Students from our school have recently undertaken an education tour of the national capital. Students were given the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy. 


The Australian government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part of Civics and Citizenship education. To assist families in meeting the cost of the excursion the Australian Government is contributing funding of $45 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program towards these costs. The rebate is paid directly to the school upon completion of the excursion.


Our Favourite Parts About the Canberra Trip…


We went to so many places and learnt so many things.  Did you know that there was a competition to see who would build New Parliament House or that there are 2,700 clocks in Parliament House?



Government House had amazing paintings, some were worth over a million dollars. The Governor General has a special car that is used only a few times a month. The garden was huge with thick, green grass.



Going to the Royal Mint was amazing because we got to see how people make coins from blanks using machinery. We each got to press a $1 coin, which cost us $3 to make. These are uncirculated, special coins we can keep. 




"In Year 6 we are cool because we thrive at school."

Grade 6 Team