Prep-2 Sector 



Welcome to Term 4! The students have had an amazing start to a very busy term. The Prep teachers are very impressed to see how easily they have settled back into the school routine.



Here is a snapshot of some of the fun things we have been learning in Prep.


In writing, we have been learning about information reports. Students have been researching about their chosen animal and are finding information about their appearance, habitat, movement, diet, and fun facts. They have been enjoying writing sessions.


In maths, we have been exploring the concept of equal sharing. The students are being provided with opportunities to share objects into groups so that each group has an equal number of objects.



In Science, we have been learning about living things and non-living things. The students have explored that living things need food, water, and shelter to survive. As part of this unit, students got to plant a seed and are now excitedly watching it grow. The students have a plant journal, in which they are recording their observations.




The Prep Team






The Prep Team

Year 1

In Year 1 – the students have been learning lots of new things.


In Reading, we are continuing to learn new diagraphs and trigraphs every week. We have learnt that contractions are when two words have been shortened into one word. Every day the grade 1 students participate in a range of reading activities. Check out some things we’re been doing. 

This group participated in a guided reading group to learn more about the events that take place in the beginning, middle and end of a story.

This group enjoyed reading a range of books using the app Epic. 

This group enjoyed listening to themselves read using special reading telephones.


In Writing, we have been learning about the features of a procedural text. We made a pirate hat and then wrote a procedure showing the steps needed to make one. 


In Maths, we have been exploring fractions and location. We are learning all about halves and quarters. We have been discussing the language of location and giving directions to others.


In Science, we are learning about Physical Science. We are investigating light and sound and have been making predictions before carrying out our investigations. Last week we were predicting which parts of the school were the lightest and the darkest areas and then we got to prove our predictions. 


In Humanities we have been learning how to be good friends. This week we explored why it is important to be kind and include others. Students worked in teams to build a house of cards. This was a challenge, but it was clear to see everyone working together, helping one another and encouraging others even when things became challenging. 

This group took on the challenge to build a house of cards. They encouraged one another, worked as a team and made sure that everyone felt included. 


'You can if you think you can'

The Year 1 Teachers


Year 2

Dear Parents and Guardians of our wonderful Year 2 students,


It’s hard to believe that it is Term 4 already. The Year 2 students are looking forward to our end of year cohort celebration and as well as our sleep over at the school. 


In Maths they have been land learning about measuring the length, width of objects and measuring the area of object using a range of materials found in the classroom.  The Year 2’s, have continued to learn about multiplication and division. 









In Reading, they have been revisiting our strategies that help us understand what we are reading this includes predicting, connecting, visualising, inferring, asking questions, monitoring, finding the main idea and summarising.


In Writing, they have been looking at how to write a short, detailed texts that  persuade  the reader to give reasons to back their opinion using strong emotive language. Students are encouraged to re-read and edit their writing to improve their spelling, punctuation  and attempt to make their writing more interesting. 


In Humanities, they have been learning about how to include others in their games both in the classroom and outside. They have been looking at including others through role play and coming up with ideas on how to include others. They have been participating in various tasks learning skills on how to work with others and learn how to resolve conflict in group situations.


In our science unit , the students have been looking at how living things grow and 

change and have offspring like themselves. Presently the students  are investigating their own personal growth from birth to now. 


The Year 2’s are looking forward to a productive last term.


Yr 2 Team