Health, Physical and Outdoor Education term overview from our students: 

Year 11 Health and Human Development


 As part of the year 11 Health and Human Development class, we have been learning all about infancy, parenting and prenatal development. One of the tasks for the term was to create a baby egg and look after it for a weekend. We had so much fun creating and naming our eggs and brought them around with us from Friday to Tuesday. These eggs went through a unique journey with each parent, and we shared our experiences of what development our eggs went through. Everyone took photos of their egg, some went to the market, the footy, and local soccer games.


Year 10 Sports Coaching and Personal Training: 


This term the year 10 sports coaching group immersed themselves in many different coaching experiences including coaching the year 7, 8 and language centre classes. This experience enabled the class to open themselves up and face many challenges that a coach in the community would face. The year 10 students also got a chance to go to the Brighton Beach Primary School athletics carnival to practice the skills learned over the course of the term. There were a variety of activities and roles on the day, each providing its own benefits and challenges. Overall, the experience was very inciteful and exciting, with each student having the chance to improve individually as well as come together and improve as a class.

-Maddy and Talia 


Year 10 Outdoor Education:


In our Outdoor Education program, we've delved into fascinating case studies like Mount Everest, revealing the challenges and risks of outdoor environments. This exploration has deepened our connection to nature and heightened our respect for its unpredictability. We've also learned essential outdoor skills, such as setting up tents, in preparation for our camp at Wilson's Promontory. Additionally, our focus on safety has equipped us with valuable first-aid skills, ensuring we can respond to emergencies during our adventures. Overall, our outdoor education experience has fostered personal growth, encouraged outdoor awareness, and prepared us for the exciting challenges of outdoor life.


Year 9 Health and Physical Education:


The year 9s have been participating in a SEPEP unit this term, this is where sports have been chosen by the class and students get a chance to take on different sporting roles such as a publicist, statistician, umpire, coach and journalist. It has been a fun term and it has given students a new opportunity to see sport in a different light and play fun competitions with their peers. 


Year 7 Health and Physical Education:


This term we have participated in many different sports such as Basketball, Touch Rugby, Hockey, Futsal and soccer. In health, we have been learning about the reproductive system and we have begun learning about healthy eating and nutrition. I am looking forward to next term.
