Mission & Religious Education News
The Mass FAQs! Why do we celebrate Mass on Sunday?
Why do we celebrate Mass on Sunday?
On Sundays we celebrate Christ’s resurrection from the dead. According to Genesis, the first book in the bible, on the seventh day God rested having completed creating the world. Appropriately, on the first day of the week Christians commemorate “The New Creation”, the renewal of the world through Jesus’ loving sacrifice. Traditionally Christians use this day (Sunday) as a day of worship and celebration.
Sr Petra
Sr Petra, a huge part of the Barraba community has been called back to God.
She has definitely left a huge mark on the St Joseph’s community, the parish and the wider Barraba community. She will be missed by the many who benefited from her support, friendship, guidance and wisdom over the years, especially the last 8 years in Barraba.
Eternal rest grant unto her O' Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon her,
May she rest in peace.
BBI National Symposium
The conference is fast approaching! First week back Please contact droff@arm.catholic.edu.au if you have any questions regarding transport, registration and accommodation.
Upcoming Feast Days
September 17 Saints Andrew Kim Tae-gon, Paul Chong Ha-sang and companions
September 21 Saint Matthew
September 23 Saint Pius of Pietrelcina
September 26 Saints Damian and Cosmas
September 27 Saint Vincent de Paul
This Sunday is World Refugee and Migration Day
Sunday September 24