Year 5/6 Report

Welcome back 5/6s to Term 4!
This term we are beginning a new Inquiry unit: ‘Innovation’. Students will be exploring economics and business throughout the $10 boss program. Working collaboratively with their peers, students will develop enterprise skills, strengthen their budgeting and financial knowledge and build knowledge on social entrepreneurship and global awareness. The beginning of the term saw students work together to build a tower made of skewers and marshmallows to help identify and develop their own social enterprise skills.
With just over 8 weeks to go, the Year 6 Graduation preparations are also underway. Our 2023 graduates have chosen their graduation song and are excited to perform this on their big night. Graduation details are already on Compass as well, so please make sure you save the date!
This term the grade 5’s will be participating in Bike Education where they will learn the skills and safety of bike riding throughout a 10-week course. Students have already completed their bike safety checks and participated in their first couple of lessons where they learnt how to use their brakes safely and how to take off with the ‘power pedal’ stance. Students will participate every Friday in the skills and practise sessions, until the end of the term where they will go on a group bike ride outside of the school where they can demonstrate the skills they have learnt. The bike rides will be broken up into two groups over two weeks, the first will be Friday 8th December and 15th December.