Foundation Report

Welcome back to our final Term of Foundation for the year. We can’t believe that this year has gone by so fast and we are in Term 4 already! You might have recently seen, or will see, some of next year’s Foundation students and families around the school. The students are participating in their transition sessions where they will be seeing what it’s like to be a Primary School student and getting to know Aberfeldie.
Our focus as a school for Term 4 is ‘innovation’ and in Foundation we are looking at this through a focus of toys and play. We will be exploring how life has changed over time for kids, and how what they play with now may be similar or very different to what their parents, grandparents and even great grandparents played with. We had several shocked students when they found out that kids in the past didn’t have Netflix to watch or iPads to play with! We encourage you to have a chat with your Foundation students about what you liked to play with as a child and to see if you can find the similarities and differences between your experiences.
The Foundation students are making exceptional progress with their learning in Literacy sessions. We have worked through all of our single letter sounds last Term and are now learning many new consonant diagraphs (if you don’t know what these are then your child can teach you). We have also been reading lots of fairy tales and have used these to help us learn about characters, settings and lessons in stories.
We have spent the last few weeks of Numeracy lessons recapping addition and subtraction problems and strategies to solve them. We have played lots of different games which can help students to practise these strategies, and used concrete materials such as counters and blocks to help us solve number problems. We are also learning about applying our number knowledge to learn more about capacity, what it means, and how we can compare and measure capacities.
Foundation Team