Deputy Principal Teaching and Learning Report

The Vital Role of Revision in Academic Success

Revision acts as a bridge between learning and mastery. It provides students with the opportunity to revisit and reinforce what they've learned in the classroom, thereby solidifying their knowledge base. When students review their notes, textbooks, and assignments, they are actively engaging with the material, which leads to enhanced retention and comprehension. Moreover, revision encourages critical thinking as students analyse and evaluate the information they've gathered, helping them connect dots and see the bigger picture. This process fosters independent learning and critical skills that are invaluable in the modern world.


Furthermore, revision serves as a powerful tool for self-assessment. It allows students to gauge their progress and identify areas where they need improvement. By reviewing past work, students can identify recurring mistakes, misconceptions, or gaps in their understanding. Armed with this self-awareness, they can seek help, clarify doubts, and refine their approach to learning. Ultimately, revision empowers students to take control of their education, promoting a sense of responsibility and self-efficacy that can extend beyond the classroom, benefiting them in their future endeavours. 


Year 9, 10, 11 and 12 Examinations are fast approaching. It is time to revise!

VCE Unit 3 and 4 Trial Examinations & Final Weeks

Thursday 12 October marks the final day of schooling for our Class of 2023 Nazarenes, with celebrations during the period 4 Farewell Assembly and then the Year 12 Breakfast the next morning.  The journey is not quite over for VCE students, though.  An organised strong and consistent routine of study over the coming weeks, supported by healthy eating and sleeping habits, will be essential to ensure students gain the most from their work across this year (and the last 13 years!) as they undertake final preparations for the VCE Unit 3 and 4 examinations. 


The importance of the final VCE Unit 3 and 4 examinations cannot be overstated, as all school-based results in every subject are moderated (changed) in line with the final VCE examination performances. The Trial Examinations, undertaken in the second week of the school holidays, are invaluable in identifying areas that most need attention in studying from now until the final VCE examinations. Results will be available on SIMON and PAM for students and teachers to peruse.


We wish the class of 2023 every blessing for their final weeks of secondary schooling, and urge them to remember Coleman Cox’s quote: 'I am a great believer in luck. The harder I work, the more of it I seem to have.'



Ms Claire Nailon

Acting Principal

Deputy Principal Teaching and Learning