Acting Principal/Deputy Principal Staff and Students Report

Welcome Back

After the holiday break we are excited to be able to welcome students back for Term 4 2023. We hope all members of our community have enjoyed the break. The holidays always seem to go quickly and this last term also is one that can quickly get away from us. Hence it is really important students start the term well, setting clear goals for their growth and learning, and working hard and consistently to achieve these goals. We encourage parents/guardians/carers to to have a discussion with their child regarding their learning goals for Term 4 and the need to work hard and consistently starting from the very first week of term. 

Working as a Team

We were grateful for parents/guardians/carers and staff for their attendance at the Student Progress Meetings at the end of Term 3. We encourage parents/guardians/carers to please contact the relevant subject or Pastoral Teacher should there be anything that we can assist with, or that may be helpful for staff to be aware of for the learning or wellbeing of your child (or their safety).


The Church speaks very clearly about the school’s role being to support parents/guardians/carers as the first educators and primary educators of their children. Research also indicates the best outcomes for students when parents/guardians/carers  and school work together. We are a team working with you for your child’s growth and development humanly, spiritually, and intellectually. Please contact us whenever required to strengthen this teamwork.

Year 12

Our Year 12 students are coming to the end of their journey at Nazareth. A letter has been sent to the Year 12 families with the key details for the end of year events. It is a very special and sacred time in the journey of these students and the College has planned  specific events to honour and celebrate the class of 2023, which we are looking forward to with great excitement. Please be aware of the following important dates for Year 12 students:

  • Graduation Mass and Year 12 Presentation Night:  Wednesday 11 October, 2023 at the College, commencing at 6.00 pm.
  • Year 12 Farewell Assembly: Thursday 12 October 2023 at 1.45 pm at the College.
  • Year 12 Breakfast and Dress up Day (Final Day at the College): Friday 13 October 2023. 
  • Year 12 VCE Exams commence Tuesday 24 October 2023.
  • Year 12 Valedictory Dinner at the Grand on Cathies Lane Thursday 16 November 2023.


As a faith community our school is centered on the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus lived, grew and matured in the town of Nazareth (Luke 2:39-52). In the Gospel Jesus invites His followers to follow me (Matt 4:19). Our journey each day in this community should be one that allows us to encounter, experience and indeed follow Jesus as we also live, grow and mature at Nazareth. We pray that in the events, people, lessons, experiences, relationships, and learnings in Term 4 we all may have our hearts open to Jesus, hear His voice, follow Him, grow as people and develop a closer relationship with Him this term.


God Bless



Mr Justin Duckett

Acting Principal

Deputy Principal Staff and Students