Visual Arts

Year 7 Art

In Year 7 Art, students have been introduced to ceramics by using the Pinch Pot technique to create Animal inspired creations! All students work will be glazed and fired in Term 4.

Year 8 Art (Printmaking)

In Year 8 Art, students have been exploring printmaking techniques following the theme of 'Australiana'. Students had to research the theme before creating their designs, transferring them onto blocks and carving these out ready to print. 

Year 8 Art (Ceramics)

In Year 8 Art, students have been building on their ceramics skills by using the slab-construction method. Students learned skills in creating slab templates, applied joining techniques, and used underglaze to create a range of unique vessels and buildings. 

Year 9 Photography 

In Year 9 Photography, students have been using digital SLR cameras to demonstrate their new knowledge of compositional strategies, showcasing photos applying the rule of thirds, leading lines, symmetrical and asymmetrical balance and different viewpoints. 

Year 10 Media 

In Year 10 Media students explored Media Codes & Conventions as well as Genre for their recent CAT: Movie Poster. For this unit, students were challenged to take an existing movie poster, and re-produce it by changing the genre of the film to something entirely new. This required students to do a deep analysis on what codes and conventions are present within certain genres, and how an audience can identify the genre from these. The final product of a Movie Poster had great results – with a requirement for students to include their own photographs within the poster. Media students extended on their prior knowledge of photography and photoshop, and worked together to support each other with their props, costumes, and acting debuts.  

Year 11 Art - Creative Practice

Year 11 Art - Creative Practice students have been working collaboratively all term on various art projects. Pictured here are some of our large-scale collaborative paintings that we have displayed in the art windows. Students have been developing skills in lots of different areas as they work collaboratively, including skills in communication, time management, problem solving and delegation.  

Art Club

Remember that Art Club is running during lunchtimes in ART3 on the following days: 

Yr7-10 Art Club day is Wednesday and VCE Art Club is Thursday.


Come along to create some artworks, meet other creative students, and have fun!

We are hoping to run a few competitions this year in Art Club too, so come along and get involved!


Year 9 Media

In Year 9 Media, students have created their very own stop motion animation projects. Students worked on creating a story, characters, and setting, before learning how to operate a DSLR camera on manual settings to ensure consistency within their shots. Once they had captured all their photos, students edited the shots together at the correct frame rate to create the illusion of movement. The results were great, with students collaborating on ideas and assisting each other with the production stage.