Junior School News

Year 7 Leaders Shine Bright as they Lead Year 7 Assembly
On Wednesday the 30th of August the Year 7 Student Leaders took to the stage to run the Year 7 Assembly. The leaders collaborated with the Year 7 Coordinators in the lead up to the assembly. They brainstormed topic ideas and key information they would like to present to the Year 7 cohort. The key topics presented in this assembly were:
RSPCA Cupcake Day
Footy Colours Day
Year 7 Community Day
Several Year 7 students were recognized as they had received a high number of Positive Behaviour Recognition posts on Compass. There were over 500 positive posts awarded during this term with Summer Anderson 7D and Zach Tucker 7H being the students having received the most posts.
The 2023 Year 7 students are now well practiced at attending assemblies in the Performing Arts Centre. To reward the students for their excellent behaviour, the leaders had put stickers under random seats. Several students won a chocolate prize, which caused great excitement!
These young leaders showed incredible courage to stand up in front of their peers and present at this assembly. We commend them for their persistence in developing their public speaking skills. The rest of the Year 7 students showed a high level of respect towards their peers listening carefully and asking questions.
Well done to our Year 7 Leaders and all Year 7 students for their positive contribution to our assembly.
Term 3 has been a big term for Year 7’s. There have been some great accomplishments and one big one is the Production. This year it was based on The Little Mermaid. Anyone could join and the production students worked hard – we even started in Term 1. The students took to the stage and performed an amazing production which turned out so well. Everyone did great. After five big shows across the span of three days the production was finished, and the students got to celebrate.
It was great to see so many Year 7 students get involved – it takes courage to join in the first year of secondary school and what an amazing job they did. Well done to the students involved for showing that you should push yourself and be brave to open your eyes to a new world of dancing, singing, and acting.
It is great to see Year 7 students getting a lot of positive behaviour recognitions and have been working really hard in classes. We also can’t believe that we are already more than halfway through the year. Later in this term the Year 7’s are having a Celebration Day to celebrate all our achievements so far this year. I can’t wait!
Keanan Coss 7E