Wellbeing News 

This term the Wellbeing Team have been providing engagement activities across lunchtimes for students to participate in. Winter weather provides an opportunity for students to become involved in lunchtime activities in the warmth of the indoor spaces here at school.  


Check out the lunchtime activities that have been on offer throughout Term 3 

Monday – Mindful Monday’s with Ms Lamb and Mr Clayton. Open to all students and staff who are looking to incorporate more mindful and relaxing moments into their day. 


Tuesday – Year 7 Lunchtime Connections with Kingston Youth Services. Activities and games held in the Year 7 centre for Year 7’s to form connections with other peers in their year level. 

        Year 7 Connections with Kingston Youth  


Wednesday – Wednesday’s in Year 9 with Aloshy (our Social Work placement student). Year 9’s have had the opportunity to hang out with Aloshy in the Year 9 centre at lunchtime, playing boardgames and other engagement activities.  


Thursday – ‘Calmversations’ with Ms Lamb and Ms Maxwell.  Students can join in with activities such as mindful colouring or calm conversations with friends in this quiet Year 8 Common space. 


Our RESPECT Student Action Group meets each Thursday, with a focus on inclusion and safe environments for all students and staff at PRSC.  


Friday – Soup Club – Hot soup for free is served each Friday lunchtime in the Community Room. First come first served. Students stay in the Community Room, mingle, have their soup and then rinse their cups prior to returning to the yard.    

                      Souped Up Fridays 


Wear it Purple Day 

Wear It Purple day strives to foster a supportive, safe, empowering, and inclusive environment for all rainbow young people. Our College’s RESPECT Action Group chose to support this day on Thursday 24th of August, to include all year levels in this day of celebration. Thursday 24th saw our RESPECT Action group and Kingston Youth Services run a number of games and activities during lunchtime for a gold coin donation to raise money for the Wear It Purple Foundation.  


We would love to thank the many staff and students that chose to wear a purple accessory to show their support towards the LGBTQIA+ community. It was great to raise awareness and proceeds raised where donated to the Wear It Purple foundation.  



R U OK? Week 

R U OK? at PRSC is a weeklong event that grows in size each year. R U OK? Is a public health promotion charity that encourages people to stay connected and have conversations that can help others through difficult times in their lives. This year we had Form teachers across year 7-9 select 2x Form Ambassadors. The Ambassadors attended a 2-period training session where they were involved in skill-based training on the implementation of the R U OK? 4 step process. The Form Ambassadors then took their learnings and shared this through daily information communicated with their class during Form Assembly throughout the R U OK? week. Student Ambassadors wore yellow R U OK? wrist bands for the week to signal their ambassador role. Along with our R U OK? Ambassadors, the team ran several wellbeing and engagement activities across the week to promote connection and engagement for our students and staff. Proceeds raised during our R U OK? event were donated to local organisation ‘It’s Ok not to be Ok’ as well as ‘R U OK?’. A HUGE thank you to all our ambassadors who completed the training and championed their role with pride. Also, to the staff involved, wearing R U OK? merchandise, attending wellbeing and engagement activities and helping us with the pancake lunches! It was a huge success!!!!!