Mrs Chamberlain and Mrs Addams


In Prep, we have been investigating the idea that some sounds are soft and some are loud. As a class, we discussed where we might see volume controls in our everyday lives, such as in our cars and on our television remote controls. In small groups, we investigated four plastic bottles, each containing different items including oats, rice, macaroni and an empty bottle. We had a great time being noisy, shaking the bottles around the room. In our groups, we worked together to organise the plastic bottles according to how loud they were. Next, we explored how sound waves are created and make sound vibrations in the air. In pairs, we had fun making string telephones to explore this concept further.  

We have begun to develop our skills in computer programming (coding). We explored the meaning of the words ‘code’, ‘program’ and ‘algorithm’ and used a 3x3 grid on the floor to evolve into programmers. Together we gave codes (directions) to the human robot to direct him/her on how to move through the grid in a logical sequence (algorithm) to collect fish and creepy crawlies. We had fun taking it in turns being the human robot and being directed through the grid with terminology such as left, right, forwards, backwards, up and down. We are excited to apply our new coding knowledge to program Bee-Bots in the coming weeks.        



In the Junior School, we entered the world of digital technology. Students have explored and experimented with floor robots; Bee-Bots.  Students have been exposed to sequencing, directional language, basic demands and programming.


During our lessons, students have had the opportunity to plan, write and code a sequence of instructions (algorithm) for the bee-bot to follow. Students have worked together to create maps and code the bee-bot to reach a specific spot on the map. 


In the Middle school, we explored the force of gravity by investigating its effect on the behaviour of different objects. Challenging a common misconception, we conducted a simple experiment to answer an investigable question: “If a bowling ball and a golf ball are dropped at the same time, which one would hit the ground first?” We were excited to see the items we chose throughout the room, such as a hammer and a pencil, drop at the exact same time! We talked about how air resistance can sometimes have an effect on how quickly something falls, such as dropping a feather.  

Next, we further developed our understanding of non-contact forces through exploring the forces of attraction and repulsion between magnets. We discussed the sport of ‘Magnetic Fishing’ and used this idea to inspire ‘Classroom Magnetic Fishing.’ We went around the room with a magnet to test and record which materials were magnetic and non- magnetic.

Finally, we had a fantastic time videoing our ‘Space Science Shows’ using the Green Screen. We enjoyed choosing a ‘Space’ themed background image and using an app on the iPads to put everything together. Congratulations to all Middle School students for their hard work and effort to ensure their video shows were educational and entertaining.



In the Senior School, we have turned our focus to digital technology. Students started their learning journey by understanding what coding is and how to write algorithms using blocks in the coding program 'Scratch’. Students have been using this coding platform over a number of weeks and have become fluent with the coding language which has allowed them to take on coding challenges and write algorithms. 


One particular task, students were required to write an algorithm that had a count-controlled loop which made an octopus change colour and location, as well as creating a content-control firework display.  It was great to see students persisting when faced with challenges and trying to ‘debug’ their algorithm when needed.