The Adventures of Frankie & Ash

School Support Dogs 

We are very pleased to announce that we are  living in a Circus.  (That's what Mum says anyway).  There has been a nice man called Ash (ha ha  - not as stoopid as the other furry Ash thank goodness) who has been making banging noises and building stuff at home.   We have been helping him and the other people who come to help him.  One very nice man has been bringing us these special sponges that are lots of fun to chew up!  And he is so nice he brings new ones the next day too!  I inspected the paint job in the wardrobe and let Maggie in to give a second opinion.  I had a good sniff and Ash (furry Ash not builder Ash) found a bit that needed some touching up so she had a go with her tail.   Maggie looked very funny with white stuff on her head and Ash's tail was white too.   That's when Mum came in and said we are living in a Circus now.


Maggie has been practising opening the Hatch between the living room and the kitchen. We have a deal now where she opens it for me to get onto the kitchen bench and eat the cat food.  Mum says that's just another Circus Act.  


Two weeks ago we went on a holiday with Mum and Dad and some other people for Dad's birthday.  We had a lot of fun going for walks and out for coffee


Our friend Claudia will come and look after us while Mum and Dad go on holidays the week after next. Claudia is always really good for Cuddles and Treats.  We love Claudia.  


Today we are being VIDs (Very Important Dogs).  A man from the newspaper is coming to take our photographs.   We think that deserves at least one Treat.


We hope everyone has a very happy holiday.

That is all.

Frankie & Ash 

Ash helping the Daily Organiser
Ready to go on holidays!!
With our cousin Rufus in the Circus backyard
Bingo! Through the hatch. Does my backside look big from this angle?
Ash helping the Daily Organiser
Ready to go on holidays!!
With our cousin Rufus in the Circus backyard
Bingo! Through the hatch. Does my backside look big from this angle?