Strong Women Big Ideas

In Strong Women Big Ideas, our Year 9 students have identified well known female figures they believe to be strong women and delivered oral presentations to the group to share their research. 


Shayla Strickland (Year 9, Rutter House), who is also a student of Certificate II in Applied Fashion Design and Technology at Box Hill Institute, selected Rosa Parks as her strong woman and gave a highly informative speech that detailed Parks' pivotal role in the Montgomery bus boycott of 1956. As a budding fashion designer, Shayla was particuarly inspired by Parks' job as a seamstress. In response to this, Shayla expertly sewed and meticulously designed a handbag as a visual aid to support her presentation. 


The bag is covered in text with phrases that relate to the life and work of Rosa Parks, including words like "empower" and "protest". 

LAUREN MCNALLY, Strong Women Big Ideas Teacher