Senior School

Year 8
The Year 8 students are currently completing a unit on Biological Systems. Over the last week we focused on the circulatory system. We learnt about the structure and function of the heart as well as things that can go wrong with the heart such as valve disease and coronary heart disease. As a component of this learning sequence, the Year 8 students had an opportunity to dissect a heart. Dissections provide students with a hands-on experience which allows them to see, touch, and manipulate real specimens, deepening their understanding of the subject matter.
Ricky Tinetti
Senior School Teacher
Science & Engineering Challenge
On Monday 14th August, the majority of the Year 9 and 10 students went to Deakin University to participate in the Science and Engineering Challenge. Students worked in teams to complete a range of challenges such as developing code, building a Mars rover and designing an earthquake proof structure. Competition was fierce, with five other schools from the district also competing. At the end of the day, King’s College was the victorious school. Well done Years 9 and 10!
Tabitha Shergold
Senior School Teacher
VCE Psychology/Biology
The Science department was lucky enough to acquire some Lamb brains for our students to practice dissection, along with consolidating their knowledge of the brain structure. The class consisted of a mixture of VCE Psychology and Biology students.
Rose Pritchard
Senior School Teacher
Year 8 French
Year 8 students tried some French food last week as part of their restaurant topic. This included Brioche and Crepes. Some even tried the Garlic Butter Escargots!
Ally Robinson
Senior School Teacher
Year 9 Community Service
the Year 9 Community Service class had a great time spreading some fresh bark in the King's Kinder play areas. At times the were challenged by using questionable equipment, as seen in one of the photos.
Marko Wakim
Year 9/10 Outdoor Education
Our Year 9/10 Outdoor Education students have been busy in their orienteering unit, exploring the navigational skills of map reading, compass work and navigational strategies. Visiting Tower Hill, Tozer Reserve and the Botanic Gardens, students have honed their skills in preparation for their assessment day at Tower Hill.
Students were tasked with following a six marker course using nothing but a topographic map and compass to navigate to each marker. All students achieved a terrific result with only some heading slightly wayward before recovering their position to complete the course within the designated time limit. This unit will prepare students for a camp later in the year which will further test their orienteering and navigational skills.
Lachlan Bail
Senior School Teacher
Food Tech
Last week, Food Tech students made Greek Gyro Souvlaki. They looked and tasted amazing!
Rose Pritchard
Senior School Teacher