College News

Principal's Update
Japanese Homestay Program 2024
I would like to thank all families that have registered to be part of our Japanese Homestay Program next year. There is still time to register if your family is interested in hosting a Japanese student. Click here for more information about this program. If you’re thinking about it, you should do it! You will have my full support throughout the whole program. Please contact me anytime by email or phone to discuss the program and become a host family.
Les Gardiner
Japanese Homestay Coordinator
Holidays During Term Time
Parents and carers are reminded that they must seek permission in writing (or email) to the Principal if they are considering taking their children out of School during term time for a family holiday. The Education Department requires all School age students to be present at School during term time, unless they have sought specific permission from the Principal. Thank you for your support in this matter.