Student Leadership

MUNA – Model United Nations Assembly

On Saturday 19 August we attended a Model United Nations assembly at Nossal High School in Berwick. This was an event hosted by Rotary districts around us and we were lucky enough to be sponsored by the Rotary Club of Mordialloc. 


This was our first time at a MUNA event and we had so much fun putting ourselves out there and gaining public speaking experience. The day was so much fun as we got to discuss important global issues, improve our debating and public speaking skills, and create friendships with other like-minded delegates from different schools. 


Sarah Williams and Erin McClements (Year 10)


*Sarah and Erin’s efforts are being acknowledged at the upcoming Rotary dinner meeting next week. MGSC would like to thank the Mordialloc Rotary Club for their continued support of our students via this program.


Wendy Harvey

Director of Student Leadership 

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