Parent & Friends' Association

Uniform shop
This week the school communicated that, as of Friday 1st September, students are allowed to wear their summer uniform. The uniform shop has plenty of dresses and hats available. There are a couple of items that are in short supply:
- Tailored shorts
- Rugby Tops
If you have any that are in good condition and no longer fit, please consider donating or
selling them to the uniform shop. Don’t forget the shop is open:
Tuesday afternoons 2:45 - 3:45pm
Friday mornings 8:15 - 9:15am
Trivia Night
We are pleased to announce that the Trivia Night is a sell-out. We have been busy collecting donations for raffles and the silent auction. We will be thanking all our supporters of the coming weeks.
TheYear 11 Food Studies students are helping out and selling grazing platters for the night. If you are attending the trivia night and are yet to order your platter, get behind the students and support their studies (yes it’s an assessment!).
Contact the PFA for the link to order -
We would also like to thank the following sponsors.
Empower Healthcare have generously donated $500
The Follet Fish Bar and Grill in Cheltenham have donated $100
Bunnings Warehouse have donated vouchers to the value of $100
Deb McNaugthon
Solo Exhibition - The Green Space
Two weeks only - Friday 8 to Friday 22 September
'ALIVE' transcends the boundaries of conventional art, inviting viewers to interact and engage with the creations on a deeply immersive and emotional level.
Sharon Wright
PFA President -