Around the classrooms

Print-A-Car challenge
Students from 7A participated in the Victorian Quantum Print-A-Car challenge. We dedicated many lunchtimes to this competition and the result was definitely worth it. We wanted to participate in this competition because it was a fantastic opportunity to learn new skills and represent our school. There were two teams:
KGM - Kathy Yan, Georgia Lust and Mya Durakovic
Banana Nerds - Alisa Sidorova and Keira O’Keefe
Each created an online 3D printed car design in Tinkercad and a portfolio about the design process. The portfolios were very successful and earned many points from the judges.
Cars competed in time trials to determine the race marks awarded which was conducted at at Quantum Victoria and we watched online. There was an issue with our axles and wheels which resulted in a time penalty and the other team didn’t meet one of the qualifying guidelines so, sadly, neither of our teams made it to the final competition.
In any case, it was a great experience and we hope that next year our school will succeed and make it to the finals!
Alisa Sidorova and Keira O’Keefe (Year 7)
Law Matters
Recently our Year 9 Law Matters classes took part in a mock trial. It was a serious criminal case of the theft of five long-stemmed red roses from The Bachelor mansion.
After studying the roles of the various court personnel we would expect to fins in the Supreme Court of Victoria, students took on these roles as they worked through the story line. Following the presentation of all evidence and cross-examinations, it was left to the jury to reach a verdict. Students discussed what they had heard and asked questions of each other before reaching their decision.
Ms Harvey’s class reached a verdict of Not Guilty while Ms Lawler’s class found the accused, Guilty.