Middle School News

Year 9 day
For Year 9 day, held on Tuesday 29 August, the cohort enjoyed ice skating.
We were supplied with a small tutorial on the basics of ice skating and then were left to skate around the rink individually, or clinging on to a friend for some much-needed support! After that, we took a rainy, yet pleasant, walk to a park where we ate lunch.
All in all, this day was extremely fun for all Year 9s and we are so grateful for the opportunity to enjoy time with our friends while trying something new.
Thank you to the teachers who organised this, particularly Middle School Leaders; Ms Sleep and Ms Jacobs and to those teachers who came along with us and enjoyed the ice skating too.
Year 10 - Healthy Minds, Healthy Habits
In the schoolyard, you may have seen certain students with babies in their iconic pink prams walking around. This is a school project that is part of the Healthy Minds, Healthy Habits elective.
This project gives a small glimpse at what single parenthood is like with a young baby. The project requires the student to feed, burp, rock and change the nappy of the baby, while also creating a vlog accompanying their journey of what parenthood is like.
Middle School Student Leaders