Learning In My Level 

A celebration of what's happening across the school!


What a fantastic term we have had in Level 3/4.  



This term Level 3 and 4 have looked at consumer vs consumption, having a digital balance, help seeking strategies, peer pressure and banter vs bullying.  

Upcoming webinars for parents and carers:  

Online boundaries and consent: 7 September 12:30 pm to 1:00 pm 

Getting the most out of gaming: 12 September 7:30 pm to 8:15 pm or 19 October 12:30 pm to 1:15 pm 

Getting started with social media TikTok, YouTube, Instagram: 5 September 7:30 pm to 8:00 pm or 21 November 12:30 pm to 1:00 pm 

To register: https://www.esafety.gov.au/parents/webinars  



Reader’s Workshop 

This term Level 4 has looked at the reading strategies of determining importance, main idea and summarising. Students have enjoyed looking at traditional fairytales to practise their summarising using beginning, middle and end, as well as SWBST. During reading rotations students have also practiced the grammar concepts of figurative language (i.e. onomatopoeia, alliteration, personification, similes etc), homonyms, homophones, sentence types, verbs, adjectives and nouns. Next, we will be looking at synthesising and morphemes.  Level 3 have been focussing on summarising texts using the TAMKO structure. This is a structure that can be applied to both fiction and non-fiction texts and has helped students research prominent Indigenous Australians. 






Writer’s Workshop 

Level 4 started the term with an information piece about an animal of their choice. Students have enjoyed practising their research skills and creating their own information report. Students are now beginning to create pieces of writing to go inside their camp brochure. Inside students will paste in a two worded poem, procedure writing, a letter and show not tell. This week Level 4 has started writing a letter to a family member/friend. We look forward to having an authentic writing experience with the students and posting our letters about camp via Australia Post.  Level 3 focussed on writing information reports and have used Lotus Diagrams to help organise their ideas. They have also explored writing procedural texts and have had fun explaining how to do some of their favourite activities. 




Level 4 started the term off with a fractions, decimals and percentages unit. We then looked at time, maps, scale and now this week we are focusing on length. Students are practicing their measurement skills and are finding household and classroom objects to measure. Some even had a go at measuring the height of each other. Next, we will be looking at how to convert mm, cm, m and km. Level 3 have explored the different properties of 3D objects as well as being able to construct them from their nets. Students have practised creating number patterns and have also demonstrated their understanding of fractions by using hands on manipulatives to show equivalent fractions. 




In Level 4 the Enrichment lessons have had a ‘State of Matter’ focus. Students have explored solids, liquids and gases, as well as evaporation, condensation and precipitation. Level 4 have participated in science experiments such as melting ice, making slime and so on. In Level 3, students have learnt about the different uses for apostrophes, and enhanced their editing skills for information reports through the use of technology. 



Level 4 has been exploring ‘Friends or Foe’. We have looked at ecosystems, various animals and plants, lifecycles, adaptations, lifespan, decomposers, producers, consumers, habitat and more. Students will soon present their inquiry projects. Students will have researched and presented about an animal or insect of their choice to the class. We cannot wait to see what you present. 


Resilience Project /RRRR 

Level 3/4 continues with the Resilience Project lessons. Students are enjoying practising regular gratitude and learning about different perspectives, empathy, mindfulness and random acts of kindness.  


Year 3 CERES excursion 

On Wednesday the 23rd of August Level 3 students had the opportunity to visit CERES Community Environment Park in Brunswick East. They participated in rotations that included: Ochre painting, Merri Merri Cultural Walk, Tiddalik Stories and Bush Tucker Tasting. The Level 3 team would like to extend a big thank you to all our fantastic parent helpers who made the day possible! 


Year 4 camp 

We had a blast on Year 4 camp. It was a fantastic experience. A big thank you to our parent helpers for their amazing support. Please find some photos below from the camp. 



This term, Learning in my Level will be completed by our teams in the following newsletters:

  • Friday 28th July - Year 1 and 2
  • Friday 11th August - Foundation
  • Friday 25th August - Year 3 and 4
  • Friday 8th September - Year 5 and 6